Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The First Half of December

Slowly but surely I will catch up. . .my goal was to be caught up by the time Lincoln was 6 months old.  I was doing well and then we got hit with nasty colds and the flu and are just now starting to come out of it.  So, back to December:

I took this picture of our bassinet (a gift from my Uncle Lew and Aunt Clare at Jackson’s baby shower) before we passed it on to Noah and Jessica for baby Jonah (due April 1st).  This bassinet has held all 3 of our boys as well as Ellie and a few other friends.  
I  have numerous memories of this playing music and vibrating causing our precious babies to go back to sleep when I most needed rest in their earliest of days.  Can’t believe that each time Lincoln outgrows something we can now pass it along. . .crazy to think we are closing out on the baby phase.  I’ve been so blessed to really relish this phase.  I love the snuggles, the toothless grins and the baby giggles.  I look at this picture and thank God for my amazing little guys. . .


The boys and I spent a day cleaning out their playroom and choosing lots of toys to donate.  To the left of the train table is a corner with baby toys for Lincoln and a love seat so I can nurse him and interact with the boys.  Since this picture was taking we donated the TV.  I read a story about furniture (specifically old television sets) falling on children and freaked out.  With climbers I didn’t want to take any risks!


Lincoln’s last time in the newborn tub. . .ya think I waited long enough?  He had definitely outgrown this thing by 4 months!


My sweet bigs in the tub.


Little Do Da (as the boys call him) playing in the bouncer.


The first weekend in December I took Lincoln to Boston to see Mia in her first starring role in a play.  It was such a blessing that it worked out and I got a great deal on airfare.  Jay took the bigs to Nanny and Paw Paw’s house and so they had a great weekend as well.
The trip to Boston was quite eventful as the Austin airport leaves much to be desired in efficiency.   Something on Lincoln's head (his organic shampoo?) set off the “toxic substance” alarm and so we had to have a security manager come frisk us. . .and I do mean FRISK.  That super fun and hugely awkward incident resulted in us missing our flight.  Luckily we were able to catch a later flight and still make it to Boston by around midnight Thursday night.  Lincoln was a rock star on the plane and all was good.

Lincoln got plenty of affection from Mia over the weekend.


I got a gingerbread house kit from Trader Joe’s for Mia and Lennon to build.


Mia’s Play was Auntie Claus and she starred as Sophie.


The stage right before the play started.


Mia (in the center with the red bow) was of course, amazing.


She had a solo and did a phenomenal job.


I was beyond thrilled to be able to see her debut in person.  It’s so tough living so far away from the Francis family!


Before the show Lennon had been told to tell Mia to break a leg.
Lennon loved the show and was so excited to take flowers to his big sister.  He ran right up to her and announced, “Mia, you did so good, you broke BOTH of your legs!”  Sweet little brother.

Mia’s many adoring fans:


Here’s Lennon “inbolting.”  I’m not really sure what that is but it seems like meditating?  He of course created inbolting and does it regularly.  Can’t imagine a cuter inbolter.


Shelby’s mom, Vickie, was also there for the weekend.  I’m not around her very much so it was really nice to see her.


After the play we went to see Santa.


Outside of the house where we saw Santa they had this cute little sleigh.


Lincoln got some good love from Aunt Sissy.


He didn’t sleep too well at Sissy’s. . .but then again, that’s just kind of how Pirate rolls.


Lennon was so sweet and snuggly and kept telling me that he loved me.  It was all I could do not to bring him back with me.  I love that little guy so much!  He said that it was his dream to be a big brother and we agreed that he would come live with us the first day of Spring.  Lennon-if you see this. . .your room is ready sweet boy!


Shelby and Lincoln watching the Dallas Cowboys game.


Such a great weekend although WAY too short! 
Back to Austin. . .
Here’s one of Bear’s daily reports.  They ALWAYS mention what a sweet boy he is-his teacher is definitely smitten with Mr. Curls. 



Two days after we got back from Boston we went to Dallas for one night.  The boys went to look at Christmas lights with Gaga and David and had their annual gingerbread cookies while Lincoln and I went to my MOMS Connection play group Christmas party.

Although Lincoln is only 4 months old Gaga wanted him to have a cookie, just for the picture so he wouldn’t feel left out. 


The boys with their super fun Gaga and David. 


This gingerbread/Christmas lights tradition is actually one of Jackson’s very favorite each year.  And NO, they do not eat the ginormous whole cookie.


Seeing all of my girlfriends that night was JUST what the doctor ordered.  The MOPS group that I joined in Austin is so different (no interaction other than meetings) and I have really missed my Christian support group.  We had a pj, white elephant gift/favorite things exchange night and it was awesome.

Brenda and Alisha.


Jess M, Emilie, Lincoln and Tara.


Pregnant Jess G.


Pregnant Steff and Landy.


Jess M, Jennifer, Jaclyn, Lincoln and Emilie


Our white elephant gifts looked so nice. . .while they were wrapped.  Inside we had tacky sweaters and all kinds of horrible gag gifts.


Jaclyn and DoDa.


I don’t know how Adrienne and some of the other girls missed my camera. . .

And I can’t believe that our little Lincoln is already FOUR months old!!!  Such a loving little man.


These pictures are out of order with the others but it was such a monumental event.  I came in the kitchen to see Baron, who had broken a glass (not a rare event by any means) ,  SWEEPING IT UP BY HIMSELF, WITHOUT BEING ASKED. 
My entire future flashed before my eyes and I envisioned a time. . .a time when people in my home. . .people who I love dearly. . .but whose existence is basically summarized by making phenomenally enormous messes.  These people, these tiny, adorable, lovable, horribly messy and loud people-may someday learn to pick up after themselves.  And then I thought of all of the other things that might someday happen.  I might someday pee without having to set up bleachers in the bathroom.  There may come a day when I can take a shower while my children are awake.  I may wake up someday after having slept through the night.  And someday, just maybe someday, I would wear an outfit that hasn’t had baby spit up, poop or pee on it.  Wow.   The possibilities became endless. . .
Then of course I thought about how old my kids would be when these things happened and decided that I’d rather do all of the sweeping if it meant my babies were still babies. 
While I’m usually pretty exhausted and running like wild to keep up with the boys, I know these are the most precious days of my life when I can love on them and all of my maternal fears are physical.  They are in their beds each night and I can protect them and they still tell me everything.  I pray that these days last and that the strong bond of friendship and love that I have with the boys remains strong and lasts throughout their lives. 
Ahhh, but I digress. . .

The day after the MOMS party we went to the MOMS Connection meeting at church (a huge highlight of my month) and then went to see Scrooge at North Park with Grandmommy.  Our Scrooge tradition is one of my favorites, we were just bummed that Gaga was working and couldn’t join us.
My bigs with their most awesome Great Grandmommy.  GM has been such a blessing to me and my life.  I can’t imagine what I would be like if I’d not had her influence and Godly wisdom to guide me.


Proof that Lincoln was also with us.  Sweet boy was exhausted.


The boys always love the show despite it being the exact same each year.  I love it too, and could probably recite it by now. 
In the past  we’ve always gone right before Christmas when schools were already out  and it’s been an insane crowd. Going in early December during the day was awesome.  Almost a private show.


Bear kept trying to talk to Scrooge, he was telling him his name and how old he was.


And that my friends, summarizes the first half of December!  Phew. . .

1 comment:

The O Family said...

You have been so busy, but so many great memories.