Friday, June 22, 2012

Jack Riding His Bike!

Today was a big day for Jackson.  He woke up and told me that he wanted to learn to ride a bike without training wheels. 

Backstory=on Monday we kept Emma and Tess Fulcher while Jaclyn worked and Emma mentioned that she had just learned to ride her bike last weekend.  That was all it took to motivate Jack. 

So, while I made breakfast this morning he went and got Jay’s tool bag and took the training wheels off of both of his bicycles by himself.

Then it was time for my doctors appointment.  My super awesome dad came over this morning so I could have the extreme luxury of going to the doctor by myself.  First of all it was SO relaxing to be by myself in the waiting room etc.  And secondly when I called to say I was on my way home dad asked that I just pick them up at the park.  When I arrived I was shocked to see that Jackson was riding his bike like a champ all over the place.  Papa had taught him to ride his bike in an hour at the park.  I am pretty easily impressed, especially with my own kids, but I was thrilled to see Jack so excited and proud of his accomplishment.  Thanks SO much to my awesome dad who taught all of of his kids to ride our bikes and now Jackson. 

Here’s the video of Jack showing me his skills:

What an awesome summer for Jack-so far he’s learned to ride his bike AND to swim in the deep end of the pool!  Way to go little man!


The O Family said...

Way to go, Jackson (and Papa!)!!! I think I'm as impressed with Jack's ability to take his own training wheels off as I am with how fast he learned to ride a bike! You're an incredible kid, Jackson!

Jenna Francis said...

Most impressive kid ever! I'm pretty much convinced that he has super human strength.