Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jackson, a new baby, our 6th anniversary and another new baby!

A few weeks ago I sat down and made a list (an excel spreadsheet to be exact) of all of my pregnant friends and their due dates.  15.  That’s right 15 pregnant friends.  Of course I took 5 meals to new mommies in the month of January so my list has depleted a bit but still it seems that something is definitely in the water.  Last weekend I got to see two brand new babies at the hospital and it was awesome!

Friday my sweet friend Heather (side note-I used to babysit for Heather and travel with her family.  I started babysitting for her when she was 3 years old.  Not only does this make me feel incredibly old but since our kids are around the same age it makes me feel like not only an old woman but also an old mother!) had an emergency C section at 36 weeks.  As soon as she texted me I loaded the boys up and we rushed to the hospital to wait with her family who I have known for 20 years.  Thank God that everything turned out fine and Heather and baby Jaxon are already home which is a huge blessing.  But on Friday things were a bit scary and we were all praying.  And a far less significant thing yet still notable was that on Friday my two boys and I were at the hospital from 3:30 p.m. until 6 when Jay picked up Baron.  Jack stayed with me until 8.  But the entire time we were there both of my boys were perfectly behaved.  I mean PERFECTLY.  It was like something out of a movie.  We were in a tiny waiting room with the Heather and Johnny’s family and my boys were the only children.  They sat and played together and ate snacks.  Now, keep in mind that I packed enough food to sustain a small village but still.  At one point Tim (Heather’s father) looked at me and said, “Hillary, you are such a great mommy.  Your boys are so well behaved.  Has Jackson ever even disobeyed you?”  I of course told him that no, Jackson had never said or done anything wrong and that it was due solely to my superior mothering skills.  Ha ha.  Actually I told him that I was as amazed by my children as he was and that it was most certainly NOT a typical day.  And then when Jay picked up Baron Jackson asked to stay with me because he wanted to see Heather again and again, he was perfect.  He was a little scared when we were with Heather because she had an iv and a few other tubes going into her arms.  But still, so very well behaved.  Now, I’m not fooling myself into believing that he’s miraculously become a perfect child but I do see some real changes in him recently.  He seems to have turned a corner.  Not that his days are perfect but lately he has had far more great days than bad.  It’s been so awesome.  He’s also such a little adult at times.  This evening he asked if he could just “chill” with Jay and I after dinner.  He wanted to lay and bed with us and just talk.  Jack is just such a neat kid and I love watching him grow and develop.  But this post was supposed to be about new babies!  So, here’s a picture (the only one b/c unfortunately Jaxon had to go to the NICU right after this) of Heather, Johnny and new baby Jaxon Jay Osburn:

Heather, Johnny and Jaxon

Saturday was our 6th anniversary!  It was a really nice day with awesome weather (hard to believe now since we are having our 3rd day of insane ice and snow).  We woke up and spent about an hour playing in bed with the boys.  The guys are at such fun ages and Jay and I constantly comment on how much we are enjoying this stage.  Then we spent the day just relaxing and hanging out together.  A large part of the day was spent working in the back yard and then Saturday night we had a nice anniversary dinner at home which Jackson was super excited to be a part of.  He kept wishing Jay and I “happy 6th anniversary!”  

Sunday we went to church and heard a really great sermon and then went home for lunch.  After lunch we put Baron down for a nap and Jackson and I went to visit my friend Alissia at the hospital.  Alissia had delivered her sweet baby girl Sydney Marie on Saturday morning. 


Did I mention that I LOVE holding babies? 


Sydney was so precious and tiny and I was in love just holding her.  Jackson also loved her and just wanted to touch her tiny toes.  Jack is obsessed with little girls lately and has told a few people that I have his sister Wendy in my stomach.  NO-I am not pregnant and have no plans to become pregnant anytime soon.  But Jackson is dying for a sister.  And again, while driving to the hospital Jack and I had a great conversation and he was just wonderfully behaved the entire day.  It’s so nice to do things with Jackson by himself.  Of course along with him getting older and more mature is the fact that he’s actually growing up a little.  He asked to watch The Incredibles the other day and it was sad because it was the first time he’d ever said it correctly.  Previously he’s always said Increbdibles.  And before that he just called  it “Doh.”  Not entirely sure where doh came from.  Anyway, Sunday was great and then Gaga and Grandmommy came over that evening and watched the boys while Jay and I had our first dinner out-just the two of us-since Baron was born.  It was awesome!  We talked and talked and talked.  We even enjoyed chatting so much that we went to another place to hang out and talk more after dinner.  And the funny thing is that we didn’t even talk about the boys.  We were reminded that we need to make date nights a bigger priority in the future.  So, in summary we had an incredible weekend of babies, family time and anniversary celebrations and I’m just thrilled and thankful for the blessing of being married to my BFF for the last 6 years! 

1 comment:

The O Family said...

What a great post! It's so neat to read how Jackson's personality is changing and developing. I know you and Jay are so proud!