Lately Jackson has become quite the little problem solver.
When we were walking to the park and he wanted to get there faster he exclaimed, "oh, I know I know, let's save our money and buy a hot air balloon. Then we can fly to the park next time and it'll be so much faster!"
When he stuck something inside of one of the tiny holes on his microphone and wanted to get it out he said, "oh, I know I know, why don't you put me into the shredder and then one tiny shred of me can climb into the microphone and fix it!"
When Jay won't let him jump off of the kitchen counter for fear that he will bust his head he cries, "oh, I know I know! Why don't I just wear a helmet and use a shield for my body to stay safe and jump where ever I want!"
Also some funny quotes that I forgot to include in the Francis visit posts were:
At The Great Wolf Lodge Jackson kicked his shoe into the tv knocking down the remote control and making quite a scene. Gaga told Jackson to stop (he was laughing hysterically) and she said that it wasn't funny. Jackson kept laughing and replied, "but Gaga, can we just pretend that it was funny!"
In the car the boys were discussing pregnancy. Jackson was talking about when Baron was in my tummy and Lennon started talking about when he was in Shelby's tummy. I told him he was in Jenna's tummy, not Shelby's. Anyway, Lennon kept arguing saying, "Aunt Hillary, I think I think, I am SURE I was in daddy's tummy." I asked him why he thought that and he simply said, "because silly I wouldn't fit in my mommy's tummy!"
When we were at Aunt Mandy's for the 4th of July Jackson came out side after his nap to see that about 8 or 9 other kids had arrived and promptly stated, "mom, a whole clump of kids got here while I was sleeping. You know, like old milk. . .it gets clumpy!" He also did a hand motion to further illustrate the clump of milk being poured.
Some other random Jacksonism's
"Mom, why do I have one big ear? Papa says I have one big ear. . ." -Papa, that quote is for you.
Jackson also puts a ct at the end of many words, for example "truckct," for truck and "sickct" for sick. It's pretty funny.
He also inverts certain syllables and mixes up several words. For example instead of "The Incredibles" he says increbdibles, instead of horrible he says horbidle. He says vebtigles instead of vegetables and he told me I was adorbidle (adorable) a few days ago.
While watching Special Agent Oso recently Jackson asked me how old Oso was. I replied that I didn't know and he said, "well, at least 16 because he's driving a car and the police didn't take him to jail."
He's very into talking about Jesus and asking people if they have Jesus in their hearts. We have talked about how praying is talking to God and that God can always hear you. In the car the other day he asked if police were like Jesus. I told him they weren't and he said, "oh phew because I wanted to ask you if I could drive our car to Ellie's but I didn't want the police to hear and take me to jail!"
5 years ago
He is so funny. I say he has a promising career in stand up comedy. I'll be right up front too, even though I'm sure he'll make fun of me publicly!
Oh my gosh! He cracks me up! "Put me in the shredder and a tiny piece of me will go in the microphone"? What other 3 year old could come up with that?!
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