Bear at 5 months is such a blast. In the last month I've gotten him into an awesome sleep schedule (IF I ever have another baby please force me to do the sleep training earlier!). I broke down and let him cry it out. The worst night he cried for 34 minutes, so not too bad. He takes 3 naps a day and goes down for the night at 6:30 or 7 p.m. He NEVER cries in the car anymore. So, apparently I was a bad mommy and he was just sleep deprived. My new goal is to get him to quit waking up at night. I'm ready for a full night's sleep!
He's such a fun baby and laughs constantly. The funniest thing is how he laughs at Jackson. Sunday mom brought over lunch after church and Bear was getting hysterical watching Jack. Jack loves entertaining him as well. Seeing my kids "play" together is so much fun!
Below is Baron at 5 months having his first taste of food. He didn't really like it so I think we'll give it another month before trying again. My little baby is already wearing 12 month clothes. . .can you believe he's actually smaller than Jackson at this age. I'll prove it with a picture in just a minute:)
Sweet little guy. It's hard to believe he's already in the high chair.
Of course big brother Jack had to be the one to feed Baron. Jackson is such a little daddy. He even holds the monitor while Baron naps. It's really funny when he props it up by his toy lap top. He checks it every few minutes just to ensure that Bear is ok. When we were making smoothies the other day Jackson asked me not to put strawberries in it in case Bear was allergic. Of course Baron wasn't having any smoothie but it's still funny that Jackson is so mindful of his little brother.
Here is Jackson at 5 months having his first taste of food. He was definitely not a fan. I love this picture. Just look at those cheeks. . .and arms. . .
Sweet little Jackie.
Jack in the jumper at 5 months.
This picture makes me laugh so hard. You have to enlarge it to see just how precious and chunky Jackson was at this stage. He was shorter than Baron and 3 pounds heavier. I used to really wonder why people commented on his size. . .
What a happy little guy Jackson has always been. I am so blessed to have such fabulous, snugly and sweet little boys!
5 years ago
I forgot just how big Jackson was! Baron is adorable. I'm so glad you're enjoying your boys.
Awh, they're both just so CUTE!!! I've missed them (and you) -- can't wait to see you all!
What a sweet post! ;-)
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