I'm trying to get pictures of Baron in lots of the same outfits that I got Jackson in and BJ's Dallas Cowboy outfit is one I didn't want to miss!
Bear with Jackson's puppy.

This outfit barely covered his tummy.

While I was taking the pictures Jackson kept performing special jumps off of the window sill or the sofa. He was really wanting me to take pictures of him so I just had to snap a few:)

My favorite 6 month old.

"Mommy, don't miss my backwards spin jump!"

Baron loved watching Jax perform.

We have started calling Baron Kramer due to his wild hair.

I love this shot of my two precious boys.

In this shot you can see that Jackson is the one making Bear smile.

And here's Jackson at 5 months in the same outfit.

I can't believe this little guy is already 3!