Well, I just found out today that I had been "tagged" by Adrienne. I guess this is a new blog thing to help everyone to know WAY more about their friends than they ever wanted to. Sounds fun to me!
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write six random thoughts about yourself
4. Tag six or so people at the end of your post
5. Let each person know he or she has been tagged
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted
Click on Adrienne's name above for her interesting facts!
And here are my crazy (and hopefully not insane enough to warrent re-evaluating our friendship)quirks:
1) When I'm on the treadmill or running outside I have to touch things an equal amount with each hand. So if I move the treadmill up with my left hand I know that the next time I adjust the speed or the incline it must be done with my right. And when I watch tv (sometimes while running) I have to have the volume of the tv on an even number. I can't concentrate if the number of the volume ends in 1,3,7, or 9. I'm fine with it ending in a 0,2,4,5,6 or 8. Really 5 is the only odd number that I am at all comfortable with. Jogging with the ipod makes this much easier since it uses a bar and not numbers to denote the level of volume.
2) When I hear songs I usually imagine a montage of my life set to the music. For example if I hear an upbeat and fun song I think about taking boxing lessons and running up the stairs from Rocky in sweats. Working out like crazy and becoming the cool chic from The Matrix. And when I hear a sentimental song I will picture my life with Jay. First our meeting and not dating. . .funny times in college. . .then us getting together and having a candle light dinner in Hawaii, our engagement, wedding, finding out I'm pregnant, Jackson etc. Then I add in future things. . .I'll make up a few kids and maybe a really cool 25th anniversary surprise party our kids will throw us. Then when the song sounds sad I'll think of our kids missing us when they are super old and we are dead.
3) Going along with #2, I'll think of how great of a movie my life would make and maybe who should play me on the big screen. And then I have a big mental debate. . .would I want someone really hot to play me? But then what if in the credits they showed real pictures of my family. So, if the actress is really pretty than people would say "man -so and so hot actress- is so much better looking than the real Hillary" or would I rather have some really ugly actress (as if those exist) play me to where people would say "wow -so and so ugly actress- did a great job in this role but the real Hillary was actually prettier." You know, what do you do? The royalties would probably be much higher with a super hot actress b/c more people would see it, but then I'll always be known as the uglier version of myself. It comes down to the question of money or pride? Of course you could always take the money and make yourself better looking. . .
I have still not reconciled this in my mind.
Ponderable. . .very ponderable.
4) I desperately want to be a super organized person but really lack all of the necessary skills. Anyway, I usually have a list of things I need to do each day (typically written on the back of an important piece of paper). At the end of the day I want to have everything crossed off. This does not always happen. So, I at least want to have 90% done b/c that's at least an A. When I don't have 90% of my list completed I will add things to it that I have already done such as giving Jackson a bath or putting away the laundry just so that I reach my goal of 90% completed. I'm the only one who sees these lists or even knows these things need to be done so it makes no sense for me to do this but I still do:)
5) Anytime I have ever won any contest, drawing or cake walk (yes, I won 6 cake walks in middle school) I have always known I was going to win before hand. Now this might just be because I always feel like I'm going to win. . .you know, I'm really a lucky kind of person. Or it could be that I'm partly psychic. Either way it's pretty cool.
6) When I'm trying to be fiscally responsible or stick to a budget I will just calculate the future value of whatever I want to buy to see if I should really get it. For instance if whatever I am looking at costs $45 than I will just think about the future value assuming a certain rate of return until retirement age. Then I have to ask myself if the item is really worth that value. Usually I will say no. But then sometimes I think of crazy inflation and the present economy and figure I'll get more fun out of spending it now rather than saving it for the year 2042 (when I'm 65).
And now the people that I'm tagging (I'm tagging more than 6 b/c some of these people might not be able to do it:
1. Dacia
2. Joanie
3. Paige
I'm just totally copying Adrienne on this one b/c I am out of brain power. . .
These people don't have blogs of their own, but I thought they could post their quirky thoughts in the comments section of this post. Also anyone else who wants to play I would love your info. . .I just have no idea who even reads my blog.
4. Gaga and/or PawPaw
5. Nanny and/or Paw Paw
6. Nana and/or Papa
7. Aunt Mandy
8. Grandmommy
9. Aunt Carolyn
No pressure if you don't want to do this. . .especially those of you with new babies and new houses!!!
5 years ago
That's some quirky fun! Thanks for doing it!
Hey Hillary! I also read your blog!! I am really not a blog stalker - promise! But since Adrienne is always talking about you, I started reading. Jackson is so cute. I loved your quirky things - and love that my tagging Adrienne is having a ripple effect! So fun! - Celena
1)If I have a ticket to anything/anywhere, I have to take it out and look @ it, making certain it isn't lost - over and over and over again.
2)I still make sure that the drapes overlap so that Frankenstein cannot look in and see me. (He looked in and saw a little girl in a Frankenstein movie when I was a little girl.)
3)I have to admit that if I am extremely nervous, I do Jeremy's tangle game - not in my hair, just with my hands....and it actually helps. Who knew?
4)The day before I start a diet program, I always eat like it's my last day on earth - with no regard for calorie or nutrition content.
5)I have been known to give myself to the count of 10 to get back inside the house (to safety) or back in my bed (to safety) -- and I adjust the speed with which I count so that I can get...to safety.
6)When my kids are traveling, I cannot and will not erase their voice mails to me until I know that they are safely home.
There, you have it - as much weirdness as I care to share :)
hey girl! Loved that! I of course can't think right now...I have caulking on my mind! I am hopeful that I will be able to sit down and do this once we finish painting the house. John told me Jay isn't in Bmt anymore? Where is he? Sounds like fun!!!
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