This is a little long. . .only the really bored people will want to read on. . .
Last week was a bit crazy. . .thank God that Jay was here to help with all of the midnight diaper changes for Jackson. Last Saturday night poor Jackson had such bad diaper rash that he woke up screaming every time he went to the bathroom. This continued on and off until today. So, basically all week I was jumping up day or night and tossing Jackson into the tub each time he used the bathroom (or actually the diaper). On Wednesday he had 7. . .yes 7 baths. Luckily he wasn't acting like anything was wrong, he was still super happy and loving unless he needed a diaper change. Anyway, there were several really gross situations which I will spare you the details but I could basically now lead a hazmat team through any toxic situation. So, lots of maalox, silver and rice cereal (thanks Adrienne!) later Jackson seems to be healed. And much to our delight Jay and I slept through the night last night-visualize the sky opening and the Hallelujah song blasting through-it was so nice!
We did have some great times between baths this week. Having Jay home was so much fun and Jackson is definitely up to some pretty funny tricks. He has now learned to pull the drip tray out of the water and ice compartment in the refrigerator door to use as a tool to pour water and ice all over the kitchen floor-awesome. He was just using the stool to reach it but I moved the stool to another room and have blocked him bringing it back into the kitchen.
He has also started doing the sign for diaper each time before he has to use the restroom. I'm not sure if that will continue b/c it only started due to his awful diaper rash so I could toss him in the bath faster.
Some of you may have witnessed that when I am cooking he will pull everything out of every cabinet and drawer that is not locked. It makes the place look like a natural disaster has just come through. Anyway, I let him do this b/c I am actually getting something done and he is safe. . .making a mess but not in danger of dying. And since taking care of my adorable toddler is sometimes a suicide watch b/c he is into EVERYTHING and with the speed of sound, a mess is worth my getting dinner ready. Lately, he has also started to "clean up" his kitchen mess. He basically just grabs everything and tosses it into the dining room and closes the doors so the kitchen looks clean. He is SO my child.
His favorite thing these days is to be outside. We always go on a walk in the morning and if I haven't put on my tennis shoes by a certain time he will go get them for me and then sit by the back door. He will also do his ever frequent "uh uh" and point at the keys (which are out of his reach) and if I give them to him he will take those to the back door as well. He loves to stop and play at the park and to feed the ducks. In addition he has to wave and smile at each person and car that passes us.
It's so fun having him be able to communicate so much more with signs etc. He is such a funny and affectionate kid who just makes me laugh. Being with him is so awesome and I'm appreciating it more and more each day. . .especially now that his bottom is better!
5 years ago
He really is SO smart! It's so fun to see him sign -- soon he'll be talking up a storm!
He is such a cutie! That is awesome that he is using his signs so well. Lennon is so on-again off-again with communication. Sometimes it is worth his while and sometimes it is not. I can't wait to see little Jack again. I haven't even seen him walk yet!
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