Sunday, October 10, 2010

Forgot to add. . .

I forgot to add to that last post about Jackson's serious independent nature. He takes showers by himself, washes his own hair and body. Dresses himself (I still have to button or snap his pants), puts his own socks and shoes on. Gets his own drinks and snacks (if something he wants is too high he will promptly use a chair to get to it). He is constantly saying, "no worries mom, I got it!" On another topic he is also reminding me more and more of his Aunt Sissy. He loves to memorize and recite movie humorous lines. The funny thing is he does it appropriately. The other day I was telling him something and he said, "momma you are just full of tricks!" It was from Mickey Mouse. . .and then of course the "short term memory loss" from Nemo. He cracks me up!

1 comment:

andbabymakes3inlondon said...

Oh my goodness, Cain does this too and it absolutely cracks us up! Especially like you said, how they'll take lines from programs and not only is it funny how quickly they memorize 'em but then use them in a real life situation appropriately. Their little minds really are wonders. . . :)