Several weeks ago, on Friday, June 18th, Jay was on the phone with our insurance company. After he got off of the phone he came into the room where the boys and I were and jokingly said, "well, I just raised all of our insurance limits so we can go get in a wreck!" For some reason that statement instantly gave me a bad feeling (yes, I know I am sometimes paranoid) and I told Jay that I really wanted to pray that we not get into any car accidents and that if we did we would have full physical protection. I'm sure he thought I was being silly but he sat down right then and we prayed for physcial protection from car accidents together.
The next day Baron and I had been at a birthday party and were going over to a friends house to meet Jay and Jackson for dinner. I was happily on my way when all of the sudden a car making a left turn drove right into us. We were hit on the front drivers side and then we spun around and were hit again in the back drivers side. My first thought was panic knowing that Baron was in the back seat and not knowing exactly where we had been hit. Being in a car accident with my 4 month old baby in the back seat was pretty terrifying. Luckily, the result is that my car was totalled but Baron and I were ok.
Various things in my life have caused me to wonder if God was listening to me. It could be a complete coincidence but having specifically prayed for physical protection in car accidents one day prior seems pretty wild.
God is so amazing and I feel so blessed every time I look at my husband and my precious boys. I still don't have another car which is a huge hassle but when I think about the inconvenience of no car I just thank God for the safety of my sweet baby Bear.
I have always felt very blessed to have such a great life but experiences like this really magnify it. Knowing full well what could have happened in that wreck I look down at little Bear (sometimes at 4 a.m.) and just feel grateful that all I am dealing with is an inconvenience.
I know God heard that prayer and I don't know if it changed anything or not but I do know that it's made me even more grateful for what I have.
5 years ago
Without a doubt, God heard your prayer. I am so glad you and B are ok. I did not know about the accident - sorry we have been out of the loop this summer. I hope to see you all soon!
God is so good!
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