Gaga took us all to Great Wolf Lodge for the second time. It was awesome! The kids had such a blast. We spend several hours at the water park each day and had a really good time. Jackson was pretty scared of the rides (even the ones he loved last year) but loved playing in the kid area.

Aunt Sissy and Bear. Notice the super cute matching swimsuits that Gaga got for all 3 boys. I LOVE matching clothes. . .I've gotta get as many as possible in before the boys are old enough to protest!

Gaga got us the Wolf Den room (Mia, Lennon and Jackson all slept in the den) that the kids love for the second year in a row:)

Cousin hug.

Here are the kids doing a "magic quest." Mia had a wand from last year that we activated so the kids could go on a quest. All of the pictures etc. had magic so that when you waved a wand in front of them something happened. The kids loved the magic as much as they loved the water park.

Gaga got all of the kids tehse airbrush tatoos.

Jackson was a little nervous in the chair. He chose a spider to be like spiderman. I was watching this and hoping that the only type of tatoo he ever gets would be airbrush!

We had such an awesome time, thanks Gaga!!!
Next we headed down south to San Antonio for the 4th of July at Aunt Mandy's house. Just for the sake of humor I must note that the drive down took about 7 hours and it was storming the entire way. This wouldn't have been so notable if Jay's front passenger window hadn't been broken (if fell into the door) and the hole taped. And if I also hadn't had to hold my hand out of the window to keep the tape down. 7 hours of a hand out of the window in the rain. . .not fun. But as you can imagine, very funny. It was like something out of a Griswald vacation. Those are the stories that build character!
But I digress, anyway, we had an incredible time with great food, friends and lots of fun. Below you can see Jay and Danielle swimming in their clothes the first night we arrived:)

Danielle brought really cool crafts for the kids to do while we were there. Jackson and Lennon even hung in there for quite some time.

Danielle, Bear, Reagan and Mia.

Jackson and Rachel.

Jackson loves being at Mandys.

Mom and Mandy. Mom and Mandy each made us a delicious dinner. We also had a movie night while we were there and mom made us some awesome snacks (chewy noels anyone?) It was so much fun and it reminded Danielle and I of being in college and having mom come visit and feed us:) Such great memories!

Jimmy holding Lennon's catch. As is typical of Mandy's there was lots of fishing!

Jenna explaining the facts of life to Lennon.

Jack and Reagan. I am afraid that these two will be serious trouble some day. . . They are both super cute and mischevious and get along very well!

Tickle time.

Lennon and Jack hanging out.

Reagan and Jimmy.

Mia and Rachel were fast friends. They both cried when the Patterson's had to leave.

Tracy (Mandy's sister) with little Mac. Mac is two months younger than Jackson.

The boys in their matching swimsuits.

Jackson and his Gaga. Jackson has a very hard time sharing Gaga with anyone. He almost cries if she even holds Baron.

Danielle watching all of the kiddos. Rachel, Mia, Jackson, Kendra and Kayla.

Sissy and Reagan.

My current favorite picture of Jay and Bear.

Sissy and "the twins" as we called them. I love these two boys so much but feel very sorry for anyone who has super energetic twin boys.

Danielle painted the kids faces on multiple occasions and they loved it.

The line for face painting got pretty long. Jackson changed his mind from wanting to be a bumble bee, to a tiger, to Mr. Incredible to spiderman. . .all while she was painting.

Sweet little Lennon.

It's so funny how Lennon and Jackson used to be the babies and now that Bear is here they have become the big guys.

Lennon, Kayla, Mia, Rachel, Jackson and Reagan. Such an awesome bunch of kids!!

Jackson and Lennon really wanted to go home with the Patterson's. And really, who could blame them?

Goodbye hugs.

Getting ready for fireworks.

Mia was Ms. 4th of July!

I love this little man!

And this one is pretty precious as well!

Mia and Aunt Mandy.

Gaga with two of her boys. Baron looks so much older than 4 months here!

Gaga with all 3 of her grandsons.

Happy Jackson. He loves being at Mandy's and generally cries when we leave.

Little Bear.

He just loves to watch his brother play.

Jackson getting braver in the pool.

Jimmy, Reagan and Zie on the pier.

After a VERY LONG drive back after an aweome holiday weekend Baron was pooped. I thought he looked so sweet just sleeping.