After leaving Kidfest Monday evening we drove to Nanny and Paw Paw's house. Jackson, as always was a champ in the car. He's always been great on road trips. Baron, on the other hand, was not very happy. Baron screamed about half of the time in the car. It was awesome, holiday traffic and a screaming baby. For being such a happy little man out of the car it's shocking how much he can cry in the car. But we survived and made it to Beach City much later than expected, at about 10:00.
We went straight to bed despite Jackson being beside himself with excitement over seeing his grandparents.
Visiting Nanny and Paw Paw is always a blast because Jackson LOVES it and there is so much to do. Also both Jim and Charlotte are awesome at letting Jackson help them with everything. Now, I know his "help" usually adds time to a task instead of making it faster but it's so worth it. He loves to help wash the truck, water the plants, clean the pool, etc. Whatever they do they are so sweet to include him in and it really gives him so much pride to be helping with adult activities.
Anyway, we had a fantastic time but instead of just blabbing I'll go ahead and let all of the pictures tell the story!
Here's little Bear relaxing on Nanny and Paw Paw's bed.
Baron and Paw Paw. We have a picture of Jackson watching football with Paw Paw on the same bed at the same age. Click here to see it:)
Jackson loves the pogo swing and spent a lot of time swinging!
Bear with Aunt Ree Ree and Uncle Dennis.
Jackson getting ready to help Nanny in the garden. Jackson made her wear Paw Paw's hat in this picture:)
This little fence is of course no deterrent for Jackson the climber!
More swinging!
Jackson was very excited to take Baron on a golf cart ride with daddy.
Baron meeting Uncle Heath at Aunt Ree Ree's house. Heath is actually Jay's nephew but since he's only 4 years younger than Jay he is more like an uncle to our kids. Also, Heath and Jackson somehow decided that Heath would be called "Uncle Stinky."
Jackson with Aunt Ree Ree's cat, Socks.
Aunt Pat (Nanny's sister) with Baron.
Beautiful Nanny at her birthday dinner. Paw Paw did a fish fry and let me just tell you it was WONDERFUL! He fried fish and did hush puppies and chips from scratch. Jackson (along with the rest of us) was in heaven:)
Paw Paw working his magic.
Uncle Stinky helping Jackson to climb the rope. Jackson loves Heath so much and almost cried for him to spend the night. Luckily Heath didn't have to work the next day and was able to stay over. When Jackson woke up the next morning he immediately wanted to find his "best friend." This was the first time Jackson was able to spend a lot of time with Heath and it was really special. Jay, Heath and Jack spent quite a bit of time together and loved it. Jackson is so lucky to have such awesome relatives in Beach City.
Nanny and Bear.
Our visit was just so much fun and we can't wait to go back. Jackson already begs to go to Nanny and Paw Paw's house on a regular basis and I know before long Baron will be asking as well! Thanks to all of our BC family, we love you guys so much!!
5 years ago
SWEET pics! Looks like you guys had a great visit!! Aren't Grandparents the best?!? :)
So fun! The boys are going to have such amazing memories of their visits down there.
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