Once again Mandy was crazy enough to open her house to us for
Kidfest over Memorial Day weekend. We had a GREAT time! We really missed the Francis and Oldenburg families but the Adams and
Hirst family did our best to pick up the slack by adding two extra kids this year. Carolyn and Jenna. . .you had both better come next year because I don't think Adrienne and I can handle adding any more kids by next May:)
Anyway, the weekend was fantastic and as usual I have about a thousand pictures.
Ellie having a blast swimming with Damian.

Adrienne did an awesome job with the "twins" in the pool. Jack and Ellie have always been best buddies but this weekend they were
inseparable. It was so cute and I know they will have so many happy memories together over the years.

Little Charlie LOVED the water!

The kids had a ball jumping from the hot tub into the pool.

Adrienne's watermelon
popsicles were a huge hit!

Charlie chilling with daddy.

Jackson got some serious air when Jay threw him:)

As you can see, Jackson couldn't be any happier.

Jay taking it easy with Charlie.

Baron loved to watch all of the action from the big kids.

Look at those blue eyes!

The babies of the group. It's hard to believe that pretty soon they will be running around like
Jax and Ellie.

Little Miss Ellie in her pink:)

The kids playing in the laundry room. Jackson likes to bring people in and tell them the story about falling and hitting his head the previous year.

Can you tell we spent a lot of time in the pool?

Damian played lots of fun games with the kids.


Happy little Ellie at breakfast.

I thought this picture was so funny. Jackson was teaching Ellie about shaving her face. They were so precious and Jackson couldn't have been happier to wake up knowing Ellie was in the house.

Can you tell we're a little obsessed with sun protection when it comes to the kiddos?

Such a cute picture of the
Hirst family:)

Jay and Bear.

Adrienne with cowboy Charlie.

Happy Baron.

It was only about 100 degrees that day so the majority of the time was spent in the water.

Kelsey with Baron.

Mandy's youngest nephew, Mac. He'll be 3 in October.

Mandy and Ella (Mandy's nephews cousin). Ella loved that there was a little girl there named Ellie.

I'm not sure why but this is my new favorite picture of Bear.

I love those blue eyes!

Jackson. Loves. Bounce houses!

Jackson and Chase (Mandy's middle nephew) had a ball playing in the bounce house and getting wet.

Ellie loved watching and looking beautiful from the sidelines.

Ellie is so good about keeping her glasses on.

Chase playing in the pool.

Bear wearing Jackson's old hat.

Ellie making her way to the pool. She had enough of the bounce house watching. Gracie and Mattie are in the background.

Jackson looks so funny in his padded swimsuit.

Charlie "jumping" to Adrienne.

Jack and Ellie consulting on a very important phone call!

The 4 stars of the weekend.

How cute are those kids?

Baron loving his most recent discovery. . .his feet.

Another member of kidfest this year was Matt. He came sans wife and kiddo so he escaped most pictures by fishing the majority of the time. We were so glad to get to see him and definitely want Joanie and Luke to join us sometime soon! Here Matt, Jay and Jackson are building a fire.

Charlie about to fall asleep before they left for the long drive back home.

A hug between the two big kids. Jackson was very sad that he wouldn't see Ellie for a whole 5 days.

Goodbye hugs from Kelsey.

We had a wonderful time. . .even Saturday when we had 10 kids. . .and lots of fun! Thanks to Mandy, the Hirsts and Matt for making the weekend so special!