I keep forgetting to post about our soon to be little cub:) I had a sonogram at 27 weeks (a little over a month ago) and everything looks perfect! The sonographer did say, "hmmm, so um, how large was your first baby?" as she was looking at him but that's no surprise. I love my big healthy boys. Apparently the average baby (and we Adams never go for average) at 27 weeks weights about 2 to 2 1/2 pounds. Our little Bear was weighing in at just under 4 pounds. So, just like Jackson, he'll probably not be the runt of the class. Also, I know babies usually grow about one half pound a week from weeks 35+ so by my calculations Baron can't be over 9 pounds and most likely will be significantly smaller. (And as a side note, please don't argue with my math in your comment:) So, I'm happy/comfortable with that.
We are just so excited to meet our little man in a few months! My doctor also has had my due date (from the sono) written to be anywhere from January 31st to February 14th. I know better than that and mentally have my due date down as February 14th through February 28th. So, it will be fun to see what happens and when he arrives!
5 years ago
Sounds like Baron is going to be perfect...just like his big brother!
Can't wait to meet our little Baron!
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