First of all for the steps forward. . .
1) Jax now eats fruit (and oatmeal)! He loves watermelon, cantelope, strawberries, pineapple, bananas and maybe a few others I haven't thought of. He still doesn't like apples, grapes (he's hit or miss) or kiwi. But I've been very persistant so I'm sure one of these days he'll like almost all fruits:) Of course he did tell me tonight at dinner that the mandarin oranges I served him tasted like diarhhea. Nice Jax, very descriptive. And yet another reminder that I'm about to be VERY outnumbered!
2) After reports from school about for goofing off and not following directions the first time his reports both last Thursday and today were awesome. Jay and I had been talking to him a lot about listening and obeying his teachers and Mrs. Brazeal and Mrs. Bell said it really paid off. They both have a tough time punishing Jax b/c they say his smile and dimples make it hard not to just laugh when he playfully disobeys. Anyway, 2 less than perfect days followed by 2 great days so we're happy.
And the step back. . .
1) We have let Jackson develop some majorly bad sleep habits the last 10 days. There was a lot of chaos followed by him not feeling well/being scared etc. and now we have to clean up the mess. All last week he cried for more songs/books etc. Friday night he was up begging for more of anything he could think of until after 10 p.m. Of course he got up super early Saturday and was a serious pill on the way to the organic farm. We had a 90 minute drive and Jackson was on his worst behavior yet. . .out of his entire 26 months. Luckily Papa was with us for the fun:) Anyway, we have corrected our actions the last two nights and things seem to be getting better. Phew!
Here are some recent pictures because I just know with my frequent updates you may have forgotten what he looks like. . .ha ha.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture, I just wish it wasn't blurry. Such a bummer:(
My little guy "working" in the front yard.
He looks like such a little man here. Maybe it's just me.
Goofy Jax.
Jackson loves to sit on the bench in the front yard and talk or play his guitar. This particular day he asked Bill to sit with him.
Bill: what are we going to do.
Jax: talk
Bill: about what
Jax: just ideas
Bill: ok
Jax: actually, ideas and I play guitar
5 years ago
Some of those pictures looked exactly like BJ at the same age - it brought back wonderful memories of the little boy who loved sunsets.
So cute! And way to go on getting him to eat fruit. There's hope for Cora to eat veggies - besides broccoli - yet!
So glad he's doing better with bedtimes and listening to his teacher -- that's great!
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