**********Ok, this post is WAY too long with WAY too many details so anyone who is not his parent may want to skip this entire thing! Fortunately I won't be pregnant on his 3rd birthday so I won't be sentimental about EVERYTHING! Ok, read at your own risk and you might want to get a snack:)**********
I cannot believe that my precious little guy is already two. The ways he has changed the life that Jay and I thought we loved is beyond description. I don't even know what we did with our time, laughed about, thought about, worried about, and had such wonderful joy about before Jax was born. Two years ago today we were in the hospital. . .waiting. . .I had been there since the day before at 4 p.m. Pitocen running, all other means of induction used, waiting for our little (or, at 9.9 lbs, big) guy to arrive. After what seemed life forever (but was really only 42 weeks) he finally made his debut into our lives!
Our first family picture.
Even at 3 days old under the biliruben lights with "glasses on" he was already such a happy little man.
His first nickname (given by the nurses) was dimples:) And he was the biggest baby in the nursery. He didn't even flinch when they pricked his heel and was taking up quite a bit of space in his little hospital crib. I chose this picture despite it not being the best because at least his "stuff" is not shown:)
Ok, enough of memory lane, onto the 2 year old Jack!
Jackson wears a 3t in all two piece clothing items and a 4t in anything that is one piece. He also wears a size 8 shoe in everything other than water shoes in which he wears a size 9. He is 35 pounds and 36 inches tall, I think. I haven't taken him to the dr. for his 2 year check up yet. Have to wait two weeks for that but I'll update his percentages at that time.
Jackson loves, trucks (especially those that make noise), musical instruments, airplanes, helicopters, flash cards (he loves these and goes over them all of the time), he also loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (tv show). Jackson really adores everyone. He loves his cousins, his buddies, girls (constantly talks about how booful (beautiful) Ellie and Emma are) and especially his grandparents.
He loves to sing (luluby, rock a bye baby etc.), he loves to dance (black eyed peas boom boom pow is his favorite song,) he loves to talk on the phone and to call people. Snuggle time is his favorite time of the day. We snuggle (and he drinks a bottle of milk. . .yes, a bottle at 2) before nap time and bed time each day. I really need to get him off of the bottle but Jay and I love that snuggle time so much. It's going to be a goal in the very near future!
He loves to swim, and sometimes he loves to jump off of the diving board. Last week we had the Baca's and Adrienne and Ellie over to swim. Jax happily RAN and jumped off of the diving board three times but then when Ellie got here he wouldn't do it again. Maybe he was afraid of making a mistake in front of his best girl Ellie:)
Jackson also loves to play pretend. He will pretend to cook, shave, talk on the phone, drive, feed/put to sleep/punish/rock/sing to the baby, go to Ellie's house, etc.
He loves asparagus, macaroni and cheese, chicken, peas, eggs, sausage, green beans, nanabars (aka larabars, this love borders on addiction), edamame, ezekiel bread, steak, pork tenderloin, cheese bunnies, goats milk, fish oil and peanut butter crackers. He will only sometimes eat turkey. He won't eat any fresh fruit (much to my dismay) but takes juice plus+ so that's at least something.
He now says bandaid but he used to say "Bayben"
Bun (bug) He usually says "uh oh mommy, a bun. Jackson frow away for you." and then gets a paper towel, captures the bug and throws it away. I am very thankful for this habit as I do not like bugs:)
Doh-The Incredibles (Disney movie)
Rodawn-Meet the Robinson's (another Disney movie)
Ya ya pop-the song lolly pop
Ya ya by -lullaby, He loves to sing lullaby to his animals or grandparents each night.
No dank you-no thank you. He says this anytime I offer him something he doesn't want.
Dank you neway-thank you anyway. He says this when I say it's bedtime or time to do something he doesn't want to do. He's not yet aware that it's not an option.
Whan happen?-What happened
Oh no!
New Baby-he constantly asks questions and talks about the new baby. He went with me to my last dr. appointment and was so well behaved (prayer works!) He loved hearing the heart beat and kept begging the dr for more. "Mo new baby heart beat dr peez!" Dr. Reisler was amused and kept giving Jackson his way.
Elp me peez-Help me please
Go Elle house-Go to Ellie's house
See ya yater
Dive safie-drive safely
Dank you Dod for wain-Thank you God for rain. He loves to pray, especially for rain and gets very excited when God gives us rain.
Daddy/Mommy/Yakson pix it-Daddy/Mommy/Jackson fixed it!
Made Dat!-Jackson made art the few days he went to mother's day out over the summer. I have one of the pieces on our fridge and Gaga has the other one. He gets beside himself he's so excited when he sees them. He screams "made dat! Yackson made dat!" And then immediately thanks us for posting them. It's so funny how at such a young age kids have such pride in something they made.
He knows, elbow, knee, waist, tummy, belly button, eyes, ears, head, hair, nose, hands, arms, fingers, toes, feet legs, arms, finger and toe nails, back, neck etc. Most of the basic body parts.
Need Dr. Gant-Need Dr. Grant
ipod, iphone-Jackson is actually very much not impressed with my samsung propel phone. He always says "mommy need iphone yike daddy!"
He can count. . .some. He has counted to 12 once, 10 a few times and 8 very frequently. A few days ago he counted backwards from 5, I think it's because he saw an episode of Mickey Mouse where they counted backwards.
I'm onna need that-I'm gonna need that
Peno's-jalapenos. He always says "yackson not yike penos but mommy yoves (loves) penos."
Unatand-understand, as in oh no mommy no unatand yackson. He says this when I get frustrated trying to figure out what he is saying.
Meh up-messed up. Uh oh, mommy house so meh up today.
Et my torn-it's my turn. He thinks it is his turn to drive quite often. He's pretty upset that we don't take turns driving.
Mickey Mouse
Hot Diggy Dog-he's never seen the edible type of hot dog but he loves the hot dog song at the end of the mickey mouse club house show.
Bockmolie-Guacamole. We have these little red peppers that are super spicy in our backyard and he loves to pick them all and then make guacamole with me.
Make Toots-make juice. He loves to make carrot juice and then I mix it with his milk. Hey, he drinks it. . .so why not?
Eggies-eggs-BTW I LOVE baby words and am very sad when he starts to use the real works. Going from Melmo to Elmo was rough so I'm hanging on to the baby words as long as possible!
Weed to Mommy/Daddy, Read to dat-Jax is finally in the book loving stage that all of the other kids have been in for about a year. He loves to go pick a book and ask us to "weed to" or to point and just say "weed to dat!"
Don't break dat mommy-I guess he's possibly heard me say this to him before:)
New/Cute Outfit-when I get dressed sometimes Jackson will compliment my cute outfit. Little does he know his mommy doesn't shop and rarely ever wears a new outfit.
Kute new haircut-I got my hair cut and Jay complimented it so now Jackson tells me he "yikes" my hair each day after I fix it.
Buy at mall/store. He always wants to buy stuff or "buy new one."
Shoes, shirt, hat, pants, diaper, socks, bra, sunglasses and underware
Go swim papa/nana/mommy/daddy/yackson house
Guitar-he loves musical stuff
Pay kedit card-he loves to pay for things using my debit card. He loves the swiping.
He can sing the alphabet song.
Yike Mommy/Daddy-he loves to imitate Jay and I and always says "yike" (like) mommy. Whenever he drinks water out of a regular cup he says "ahhhhh" afterwards and then "yike mommy say afer wawa." He drank bottled water the other day and threw it down on the floor "yike daddy." Jay was shocked and confused by that one:)
Jackson goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 each night. He wakes up between 6:50 and 7:00 a.m. and then naps from 1 to 4 p.m. It is awesome and I hope this schedule stays
in effect for at least the next few years!
Ok, I think that is far more information than necessary but this is my baby book and I want to remember and compare when baby #2 turns two. Now that I know how fast it happens I want to remember everything!
Happy 2nd Birthday Jackson, daddy and I love you more than you will ever know!
5 years ago
Very well done sweetheart. You have done well in capturing all of his great aspects. I love you both very much.
I loved reading this, Hill. Jax is such a sweet child. Can't wait to see him in Oct (and you, too!)
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