Saturday, August 16, 2008

Missed Showers :(

Well, after the last entry you are probably thinking this refers to the 3 of us missing showers due to lack of sleep. But rest assured we are clean! I had to miss Jennifer's baby shower today due to Jackson being sick. And the pediatrician said I shouldn't even go to Joanie's shower tomorrow either. She said adults weren't getting the bug but could be carriers and so I shouldn't be around pregnant women for 48 hours:( Such a bummer as I was looking so forward to seeing both of you! But I'd feel terrible if I got anyone sick. . .especially while they were pregnant. We have to at least get together next week so I can give you your presents!

1 comment:

Joanie said...

Thanks for the shout out! I'm so sorry that Jackson was sick. We definitely missed seeing you though. Let me know when you can get together :-)