Monday, September 22, 2014

Chase Oaks Women’s Retreat and Lincoln is Weaned!

Adrienne invited me to go with her to the Chase Oaks Church women’s retreat and it was SO much fun.  On our way into Dallas Nana met us for lunch and then we went to a park for the boys to play.  It was so nice having a little visit and the boys and I were thrilled to see Nana.


After visiting with Nana I dropped the little boys at Gaga’s house. (THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH TO GAGA FOR KEEPING BARON AND LINCOLN ALL WEEKEND!)

Jay stayed with Jackson in Austin because they were supposed to go on a father-son camp out which ended up getting rained out.  They still had a great time though and it was such a nice weekend for all of us.

At the retreat I was in a cabin with Adrienne and the ladies from her life group (most of which I knew from Plano).  They were, of course, all great.


It was such a fun time and I realized how much I had missed our girls’ weekends at Mandy’s house.  We’ve missed two years now and man, what a difference it makes!  Not to mention how much fun it was to have a whole weekend with Adrienne.  Reminded me of years ago before husbands and kids. 


My littles were having a fabulous time with Gaga and Grandmommy taking them all over Plano to do fun things.  I love that she sends pictures of my happy boys when I am away.


And back to the retreat.  Fabulous recharge.



When I went back by moms to get the boys it was clear that they’d had a great time with Gaga and Grandmommy.  Bear has always adored Grandmommy and it’s easy to see why.


Mr. Silly Face


Gaga reported that Lincoln was HAPPY the entire weekend.  Obviously I want him to be happy but seriously?!?  I guess he’s only unhappy around me. 
(Later when discussing this with his ECI therapist she said it’s totally normal because he expects me to understand his every sound and doesn’t have those expectations for anyone else.  Phew, I was starting to get a complex!)


I just can’t handle how much I adore this sweet tiny face.


Not the greatest picture but still, I love it because it’s current and it’s us.  Wonderful weekend despite the team Adams being in 3 different locations.


And in other big news from the weekend.  Lincoln was officially weaned that weekend!  It’s sort of like the end of an era being done having babies and nursing.  Even now being at baby showers makes me a little sad that we are done but that quickly dissipates and is replaced by excitement that we are moving into a phase of so much family fun.  Soon we’ll be able to go places without diapers.  We’ll have the ability to skip naps without major repercussions.  Going to movies with ALL of the kids will be an enjoyable experience.  Who am I kidding, just going to a restaurant with the whole family being a good experience will be amazing.  We have been so blessed with our 3 incredible, healthy boys that are the lights of our lives and it’s so neat to think/realize that we can now just look forward instead of being on that perpetual revolving baby train. 
I did figure out (it’s surprising that I can still do math after getting up with Lincoln 4+ times a night for 20 months) that I have been pregnant or nursing for more than 75 of the last 88 months of my life.  That’s over 6 years of my life.  Well worth it but man, seems like a long time!
Cheers to the next stage!

Bear’s out of the crib and Lincoln says, “Night Night!”

Following closely in his big brothers footsteps Bear begged to stay in the crib FOREVER.  Having already been through this and seen the light on the other side we didn’t sweat it.  Thankfully, Jackson has broken us in (on so many levels but that’s another topic entirely) on this and we felt confident that we wouldn’t be assembling the crib at freshman orientation at college.  So, we let him decide when he wanted to move out.  Of course this crib was so old (seriously from the early 80’s) and literally illegal to use (because of the dreaded drop side) so we tried to steer him to a bigger bed when he turned 4.  Our suggestions were to no avail until I saw a groupon for a tent that goes over a twin mattress.  I bought the cheap tent and was super nostalgic remembering my tent which was My Little Pony and how much Jenna and I loved those tents.  Anyway, Bear agreed to move the crib mattress into the tent and let us throw away (seriously, it’s illegal to do anything else with it) the crib that is almost as old as me.

So without further ado, here’s Baron holding Baron puppy of course, in his crib (which mind you is missing one side) for the very last time.


And in other news, on March 20th (Nana’s birthday) Lincoln (at 20 months old) said basically his first real word with out being prompted.  He said, “night night” as we were putting him to bed.  Yay for milestones!

Baron’s 4th Birthday Party

The day finally came when Jack was cleared for physical activity (tender hearted Bear was very adamant that we wait to have his party until Jackson could participate) and we were able to have Baron’s birthday party.  He was super excited and had been wanting a gymnastics party for a very long time. 

All set up and waiting for friends.


Baron was obsessed with those short overalls and wanted to wear them everywhere.  His party was no exception.


Bear and Brynn.


Since I’m so behind and trying to get caught up, or at least close the gap, I’m just going to post the pictures and you can see all of the fun without me captioning each one.  They are pretty self explanatorySmile




This face just melts my heart.


It’s so fabulous to see Jackson running, jumping and having a ball again.  I just adore this precious boy.


The party kids minus a few who had to leave early.


Bear with his best buddy, Clara.


Poor Jay had to miss the party because Lincoln still had the flu. I had been happy to miss Jimmy Kimmel but Lincoln was much improved and I really wanted to be at Bear’s party.  Jay was excited to help Baron assemble all of his gifts as soon as we got home that afternoon.


Once again, happy happy 4th birthday to someone who brightens our home and our hearts.  Baron, you are a gift from God and bring so much joy to our family.  We thank God for you each and every day!


4 years have flown by in the blink of an eye.  I’m so very grateful that I get to spend my days doing the most important job I’ve ever had.