Friday, March 18, 2011

Jay’s 34th birthday

February is a crazy month for us.  Actually it starts in January with our anniversary on the 29th, then Jay’s birthday February 11th then Baron’s birthday on February 12 and then Valentine’s day on the 14th.  There is so much to celebrate in a 2 week period that we end up combining  a lot.  BUT we don’t skip birthdays!  So, for Jay’s birthday this year we went to eat at Texas de Brazil and took Jackson.  Taking Jackson was a huge deal for him.  He was so excited and wore his suit and talked about daddy’s special birthday celebration the entire week prior.  Jackson had said a few things the past couple of weeks that had made me want to do something special for him b/c he was feeling a little left out since Baron is the baby.  Anyway, an “adult fancy dinner” (coined by Jack) was just the thing to let him know that being the older child is very special too!

Jackson had a fantastic time and was very well behaved.  And Jay loved having him with us and showing him so many new things.  Both Jackson and Jay’s favorite food is steak so Texas de Brazil was the perfect place.  What a fun night and having Jack there made it all the more special!

This picture cracks me up because I had just told Jackson that we were going to let him try a cinnamon sugar banana after dinner.  Can you tell he’s excited!


So proud to be at an adult dinner!


First bite of the super yummy banana!


One of my favorite pictures of two of my favorite guys!


Happy 34th birthday to my wonderful husband!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

He's such a handsome little man (Jack, not Jay...not that Jay isn't handsome, but that would be an awkward comment to make...speaking of awkward comments). It's really sweet that you guys included him in the celebration -- and so much less messy than giving him a puppy!