Saturday, June 6, 2009

New Phrases. . .and stuff

Jackson is talking like mad these days. He will basically repeat anything we say. My memory is not great these days but here are a few phrases from the last month or so:

Make Bread and Butter

No Kidding

Oh Man

Oh no not that (last week he said this when he climbed on top of his play kitchen and it toppled over)


please buy that (sometimes with the word "now" at the end)

Jackson buy that (Lennon taught Jackson the value of commerce and buying things:)

Pray now


Jesus (gaga taught him the sign for Jesus as well)

Jackson play playground

Sit down

Stand up

All Right

I need that

Bunnies outside

Dogs outside (basically any animal and outside)

Ride bicycle outside

Eat eggies and mok (milk)

Jackson hungry

Jus jerking your chain (after I told Jay I was just jerking his chain Jax has started saying it. He has no idea what it means or when to say it but it's still funny)

Poor little guy

I love and then any relative or friend

Jackson baby bottle (he says this when he wants to feed a baby a bottle)

He has always said "mmmmmmm" for snuggle but I'm not sure if I have put it on the blog.

His happiest times are when Jay and I are both with him. He lays in bed and says "momma dada mmmmmmm" several times and then says momma and waits for me to say yes and then says dada and waits for the yes and then grabs our faces and snuggles the 3 of us together.

go bye bye dada (he wants to go with jay everywhere)

See Ellie/Baby(Cora)/Meme Enin computer (each morning when he wakes up he wants to
check those 3 blogs and have me read to him and look at the pictures.

Another funny thing he started doing last month is saying "dada, dada, dada. . .JAY!" so if Jay doens't answer fast enough Jax drops the dada and uses his name. While the Francis kids were here he would also try "Uncle Jay."

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

It's pretty amazing that Jax can be so good at the gross motor skills AND be such a big talker -- clearly a sign of superior intelligence!