Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Texas Two Stepper

While Jackson is definitely not a walker yet he has started taking two or three steps at a time. His first step was a few weeks ago and he started doing multiple steps while we were in Boston. He's also standing alone for quite some time now.
Additionally, this weekend Jackson was refusing baby food and at lunch today with my mom and Jimmy we gave him grilled chicken breast and he loved it. For dinner he had more chicken and steamed broccoli. . .so I guess he wants more regular food and less blended mixes!

1 comment:

Jenna Francis said...

how funny! Lennon has gone through some weird food aversions and stuff like that too. It's been a struggle trying to find stuff he likes sometimes. That would be awesome if he started just eating regular food. He is such a sweetie! We all miss him.