January was a busy month as we worked to create a routine again.
Sweet little Lincoln remained a very happy dude despite his lack of sleeping. I took a lot of pictures of him because I’m not sure what difference his band will make in his appearance and I am pretty much in love with him exactly the way that he is now.

While going through boxes I found this little gem. It’s a pen from the early 80’s from Dacia’s 3rd birthday party at Sesame Place. Great memories with such fantastic life long friend.

These pictures of Lincoln are of him the morning of his official fitting appointment with the band. He was recovering from a double bout of pink eye. Poor little man.

This is what Jackson does when it rains outside. . .
Lincoln’s first time wearing the DOC band.

My little warriors. . .light sabers are a big deal around here.

The teeny man.

I love the warm Texas weather. In January it was in the 70’s and the boys had fun playing in the backyard. Although our backyard isn’t huge. . .it’s so nice to have!

Yep, Jack’s in his shirt and underwear throwing the football. Luckily Jay put on pants for the occasion. . .

Sweetest almost 3 year old in the world. Love my baby Bear.

I’m bound and determined to get organized (no laughing please). So, on my quest one stop was my pantry. I went and bought this spice rack and installed it with the assistance of my sweet sons and cleaned out the pantry. I’m still loving it!

This is very out of place because it’s from December but it really just touched my heart. This is a paper Jackson made in school about gifts. He decorated the front page to make it look like a wrapped present.

The first page was supposed to be the greatest gift that you want to give someone. He wrote Dad in the To line and Jackson in the from line. You can’t tell from the picture but he drew a picture of a Nintendo DS (handheld video game device). So that’s the gift that he wanted to give to his dad for Christmas.

The second page is the greatest gift that you’ve ever received. Jackson wrote his own name in the To line and God in the from line. He drew a picture of a man and wrote that the best gift he’d ever been given was Jesus (from God). His teacher took me aside to tell me about it and said all of the other kids had put toys etc. as the greatest gift they’d been given.
Some days with my precious, stubborn, loving little Jack are so frustrating and I just wonder if I’m doing anything right as a mom. Then I read something like this and realize that we are getting through to him and that his wild boy ways are a God given part of him (that we definitely have to guide and refine) but that also really “gets it.” I have so many dreams, hopes and prayers for my boys but the biggest is that they grow up knowing, loving and living for Christ. And while this is just a little school paper of a 5 year old boy, it really made my heart swell.

And back to January. . .I just can’t get enough of this curly little boys smile. . .

And here are my crazy little guys singing their favorite goofy tune. They are saying, “chillin’ chillin’ minding my business. Chillin’ chillin’ minding my business. With my mind on my mommy and my mommy on my mind!” It’s a song they sing to Lincoln.

The picture above and below are of Jackson with his good buddy from down the street, Clara. She just loves Jackson and Bear just loves her. In the picture below Bear was saying, “Clara, just touch my hand!” trying to hold her hand. She’s a super sweet girl and I love that she and my boys are getting to be such good friends.

More pictures of big man Lincoln.

It’s crazy to me how big the band makes his head look!

With my quest for being organized my wonderful and handy hubs put these shelves in my laundry room. I’m loving sorting the laundry on the shelves instead of having it all over the sofa.

Another Wednesday picture of Lincoln. Although I still need to work on Bear’s Friday book (picture of him every Friday for his first year) I’m getting the pictures of Lincoln. Maybe I’ll finish their books before they go to high school?!?

Here’s my little men down with the flu. It was so horrible and my guys were barely even moving.

One Sunday in January my dear friend Ashley and her sweet sister, Jennifer drove through Austin and met Lincoln and I for coffee. It was awesome to catch up with friends from home.

And that summarizes most of our January!