Bear loves to get down on the floor with his little brother and whisper to him. I wonder what he’s saying. . .

My picture addiction has not yet slowed with Lincoln. There are LOTS of pictures of our little guy. He’s growing so fast and changing so much that I want to remember every detail of my last baby boy!

Bear loves these jammies. They used to be Mia’s and that makes them definite favorites. There’s a big hole in the bottom of the pants and so they are soon going to be thrown out. He wanted me to take a picture to send to Mia in case it was his last time to wear them.

Lincoln loves getting baths so far. It’s great because I seem to remember my other boys not liking baths at this age.

All three of my boys have loved the swaddle me blankets. And I just love my baby burrito.

Gaga has been the first one to get all 3 boys to smile. Lincoln smiles quite a bit but I can NEVER get it on film. It’s so frustrating because he’s got a great smile. Love his sweet little face.

Here I just missed the smile. Ugh.

And here’s more of us pretending that Lincoln is a doll.

Beautiful flowers from Mandy and Nick.

This is from breakfast at IHOP. Jackson ate ALL of TWO full breakfast plates. He asked if he could order a 3rd, the answer was no. I have no idea how we are going to afford to feed THREE boys!

Jack is super into backyard safari stuff right now. It’s all he wants for his birthday and he’s more than a little obsessed. Gaga got him the vest and a few other pieces as an early birthday gift.

Grandmommy has visited quite a bit since Lincoln was born. Not only is it a treat to see her but it’s so nice to have another set of hands to hold Lincoln.

Leanne, who is pregnant with baby Cooper, came to visit.

And Jackson loved having Emma and Tess over as well.

I had to throw in this picture of Bear just because. He’s such a sweetie and has had a rough time adjusting. He’s super sweet to his baby brother but often asks me to put Lincoln down and hold him saying, “I’m your baby too mommy!” I sure do love my curly boy!

Can you tell I’m still in that phase of taking a picture of everything with Lincoln. He’s just so perfect.

Lincoln in the swing. The swing that we had with the boys broke so we got this one at a consignment sale. I still need to switch out the padding so he’s not in such a “girly swing” as Jackson puts it.

We had a scare with pertussis after Tess was here and then diagnosed the very next day. The big boys had to go to Gaga’s house while Jay and I spent the better part of 24 hours cleaning and sanitizing our house. Jackson asked Gaga to take this picture of him and then texted me the message, “Hi Mom I really love you and show this to dad too. I love you so much!”

Lincoln was not at all worried about the pertussis exposure.

He does however have some great facial expressions. He reminds me of Jackson in that way.

I almost caught a smile here. . .almost!

Jackson is next to Lincoln every chance he gets. Here we were at the pediatrician getting Lincoln tested for whooping cough. Jack had to lay next to him on the exam table.

Despite my best efforts Bear can now use my phone quite efficiently. When he’s able to get his hands on it he takes literally hundreds of pictures like these. I deleted 358 pictures that he took today. All pretty much the same as these two.

And one more shot of Jack and Lincoln snuggling. And yes, Jackson put a tatoo over his nipple. Don’t ask.

And that sums up our last two weeks in pictures! We’re super busy and exhausted and super praising God for our 3 baby boys!