After Kidfest Jay rode back home with the Hatch family so that he could get to work the next day and the boys and I drove to their favorite place on earth-Nanny and Paw Paw’s house. I swear that the kids would live there in a heart beat if we gave them the option. We got there on Monday evening and the boys were there (I left midweek to go to my annual ladies weekend back at Mandy’s) until the following Sunday. What a super fun week we all had!
Jack loves to garden with Nanny.

Here they are going to pick fresh veggies from the garden. Bear had pretty bad diaper rash from all of the swim diapers he wore at Aunt Mandy’s house so we let him run around naked quite a bit.

Nanny has a big surprise closet at her house and each day the boys got a special surprise. The day that they got these super cool nerf guns was a definite favorite. What a fun Nanny to play nerf war with Jackson!

Jack tried to get her but Nanny’s a pretty good shot.

Then it was time to relax. Paw Paw hung the hammocks for the boys to laze around in.

My boys are so blessed to have such amazing grandfathers in their life. Both Paw Paw and Papa are such great Christian men and I just love how the boys look up to them so much.

I mean seriously, laying around in a hammock snuggling your grandfather while you get a foot massage?! Sometimes I want to be Jackson!

Time for the pogo swing!

The tractor and car were huge hits with the boys.

Then Jackson wanted to practice casting so that his technique would be perfect when Jay flew back in that Friday. He planned to do a lot of fishing over the weekend.

Time for another daily surprise, a wuggle stuffed pet maker.

Jack had to choose from a variety of characteristics for his wuggle pet. Here are the traits he wanted in his new stuffed animal.

Bear was very serious about stuffing his wuggle.

More fishing practice.

It was very hard to keep clothes on Bear that week!

Fun on the porch.

Bear wanted to fish too!

Andrew, the next door neighbor came over to have a nerf war with Jack.

Being silly with Paw Paw. It’s so funny because when we are there Paw Paw can barely walk 3 feet from the boys without both of them exclaiming, “Paw Paw, wait, I’m coming with you!”

The boys with their cousin, Carter. Carter is Uncle Heath’s son and just turned 1 in May. It will be so much fun when the kids are a little older and can all play together!

Aunt Ree Ree and her first grandson.

My boys love being in the country where they can play outside all day long.

Aunt Ree Ree getting snuggles from all 3 of her boys.

Jack named the horse swing (which Baron was obsessed with) Bullseye.

One of the daily treats were flashlights that go on your fingers. The kids loved them.

In the closet ready for the lights to go out.

As Bear says, “it was darkie darkie in there!”

And of course when Jay got there he wanted in on the nerf action too!

A huge thanks to my sweet in-laws not only for keeping the boys so that I could have some much needed relaxation, sleep and girlfriend time but also for showing them such a great time. Since I wasn’t there they took all of these pictures (my addiction to documenting my kids lives is no secret). AND poor Jack got very sick with the worst double ear infection that he has ever had while I was gone. So, not only were they taking care of the boys but had to take Jack to urgent care and get up with him multiple times in the middle of the night. Ya’ll are such a blessing and while I felt terrible being away from Jackson when he was hurting I knew he was in the best of hands being loved on by his grandparents! Thanks for everything!