Wednesday Jackson woke up in his usual fantastic (and busy) mood. The first thing he did was put on his spiderman jammies (it’s been so hot lately he just sleeps in his pull-up) .

He’s been so excited about turning 4.

All of Jackson’s excitement made Bear very excited!

Wednesday morning Adrienne came over to pick up Bear for a bounce house play date with all of the “littles” from the play group and to drop off Ellie. I was taking the two '”bigs” to a play date at the bowling alley. Ellie brought Jackson’s birthday present which was a major hit, a spider man costume.
“See Ellie, I’m 4 today!”

LOVE these two kiddos!!! If I had my pictures from last year (hard drive crash victims) I would post the sweet picture of these two sitting on the glider together. I’ll link it soon! In this picture Jackson had pulled down his chest buckle. He said he needed padding for his huge chest muscles.

Having fun at the bowling alley.

Spidey was a happy man. In the car he made me promise not to tell anyone that he wasn’t the real spider man. 
Ellie was a very serious bowler.

Dylan and Jack each used the brace one time. After that they bowled brace free. The girls all used it each time and won by a significant number.

Love the play group bigs!

Jack was of course the only bowler who managed to get his ball to jump the bumper and get stuck in the gutter. Below the alley employee was going to retrieve his ball. That’s my Jackie!

Sweet Ellie happily eating her lunch.

Spidey sneaking around the alley looking for danger.

Bear had a great time with the littles!

Gaga (who is so sweet to ALWAYS watch our boys) came over to baby sit for Bear so that we could take Jack to a special birthday dinner.

Bear was thrilled to see his Gaga.

And so was Jack.

Jackson wanted us to get another sitter for Bear so that Gaga could come with us.

Super happy little man at Texas de Brazil, his very favorite restaurant in the whole world.

At one point the waiter came by with sausage and offered some to Jackson. Jackson took one look and said, “I’m not interested in sausage, I’m 4 and I’m only interested steak please!” He ate his weight in steak and Jay couldn’t have been more proud.

Jackson has the ability to drive me completely up the wall but he is also the most precious little man I have ever encountered. His excessive energy is only matched by his loving nature and tender heart. I know that God has gifted him with so many wonderful characteristics (intelligence, drive, creativity, determination, intuition, problem solving, affection, and a fantastic sense of humor just to name a few) for a reason and I am just so thankful that God chose me to be this special little man’s mother. 4 years ago I hung up my suit and started on the greatest adventure of my life. Being a mother has been the most amazing, challenging, rewarding, heart wrenching, emotional, exhilarating, frustrating and absolutely incredible experience of my life. I love Jackson so very much and can’t believe it’s already been 4 years. On one hand it seems to have flown by and on the other I can’t even remember what life was like without him. I know that both of my boys are going to grow up to be amazing men of God and watching them grow and develop will be the greatest joy of Jay’s and my life.

Happy 4th birthday Jackson Christian Adams.