5 years ago
Monday, April 18, 2011
Baron at 14 months old
Well, since I wasn't able to do the Baron at 1 year post I'm just doing the update 2 months late. Baron is such a joy in our family. He's the most loving and precious child that we've had since Jackson:) Really though both of our boys are so affectionate and loving. We've been blessed with two serious snuggle bugs. Baron has just recently started sleeping through the night SOME of the time. Other nights he still gets up and cries. After having Jackson sleep through the night so early this has been killer for me. And really the worst part is that it is probably (and by probably I mean definitely) my fault. I've really babied him and gotten up and nursed him in the middle of the night, often more than once, for 14 months. And who could blame me, he's only wearing 2T clothes and I didn't want him to waste away. Bear basically didn't eat any solid food until after his horrible 7 day stomach virus and since then he eats any and everything. Eggplant parm? Loves it. Hummus and black bean sand which? Devours them. Pretty much you name it and he'll eat it. Makes my life so much easier. He wakes up like his daddy. . .very S L O W L Y. I don't understand them. Jackson is like me in that we both wake up and it's on. Jack and I are ready to go and Jay and Baron still need 10 minutes of silence to figure out how to have both eyes open at once. Baron is like most babies very silly. He laughs all of the time at almost everything. Just like Jackson at this age I can look at him and make a face and he bursts into hysterics. I love it. He loves peek a boo and all of those baby games. He's definitely a climber. A few weeks ago I was folding laundry and turned around and he was standing in the window sill facing me and clapping for himself. He's gotten on top of the kitchen counter by pulling a chair to the counter and standing in a drawer. He's certainly not as active as Jackson but he's gotten far more so than I had first anticipated. He loves music and to "dance." He doesn't sign very many words (bad mommy has only taught him a few) but those that I've taught him he uses all of the time. Of course "more" is constant. He didn't walk until the last day he was 12 months old but of course now he's running like a wild man. He is a major nurser still. I won't go into details but I really have no idea what's going to happen when the time comes to wean. Bear loves his big brother so much and just wants to watch him constantly. He cracks up at anything Jackson does and follows him around like crazy. I know soon it will annoy Jack but thus far they do ok. Bear has recently started grabbing your face with both of his hands and giving big, wet, open mouth kisses. Lots of slobber but still really sweet. He also loves to hug and always pats us on the back. Baron isn't really talking. He does say, mama, dada, bye bye, thank you, gaga and Jackson. Dada can be used for Dad or any other animate or inanimate object. As I mentioned earlier Baron loves food. When he really loves something he'll take a bite and go "mmmmm" each time he chews. It's so funny. I have it on video I just need to post it. A few weeks ago one of my friends from MOMS Connection at church said that her mother was one of Baron's teachers in the nursery. She said that she had talked about what a good baby he was and how much they loved his curls. And that the teenage helper joked that Baron was her boyfriend. Everybody loves Baron and his sweet smile. Both of my boys are so unique, precious and perfect in their own design. I feel so blessed to have two healthy, loving boys and I thank God for both of them each day. Baron Isaiah-I love you so much and am so excited to see the man that you grow to be someday!
Baron Turns 1!!!
So, over two months ago our precious baby Baron turned 1. I am so far behind but had to catch up and blog about this very special day. Also, as a side note my less than awesome computer is once again on the fritz and so I am using Jay's and getting the pictures off of my external hard drive which thank the Lord worked this time. Another added bonus of me not being able to use my computer is that I had to do this post in blogger instead of live writer. . .so the pictures are totally out of order, but I digress. . . Without further ado, here is baby Bear's 1st birthday! Bear's birthday was actually on a Saturday this year so we were able to celebrate on his actual birthday. Unfortunately, Baron did NOT enjoy being sung to. So, here's the happiest baby in the world having his least happy moment:
The poor little guy had some kind of red rash on his cheeks which probably didn't help him to feel any better.
It's sad to say that I had no idea what to do for a February birthday for a 1 year old. When he's older there are so many fun places we can go but for a 1 year old. . .not so much. So, we had a very small family lunch for Bear. We only had two non relatives, close friends that Baron has been around constantly since birth. The Hirst's and Fulchers.
Little man on his big day!
I love it when he scrunches up his eyes and nose when he laughs.
The cake did not go over well for Baron.
Jackson however loved it. He decided to eat it with his hands like Baron was doing.
Ellie, who was dressed as a beautiful fairy for the occasion, was also a fan.
Jackson tried to cheer up his little brother during the song.
Happy that all of that singing is over!
Nana playing with the boys.
Love. Those. Curls.
Grandmommy, Nanny and Gaga.
Nana giving Jackson some money for the wallet Nanny had brought him. It was from Jay's childhood. Nana offered Jackson some dollars and he quickly told her that he preferred coins.
Damian was spinning the "littles" on the new sit and spin.
I thought Jaclyn looked funny at 7 months pregnant in this tiny chair:) Since I've waited so long to post this we now know that Tess was born April 6th.
This picture cracks me up. It looks like Jackson is trying to reason with Nana about something.
The Hirst 5, of course baby #3 is still on the inside:)
The family! It was so special that Paw Paw and Nanny were able to come for Baron's birthday. My boys are so blessed to have such awesome grandparents and great grandparents.
B with his grandparents!
Happy birthday to my precious little guy!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
So very behind!
So, it's April 5th and I still haven't posted about Baron's 1st birthday. Yeah, I know the mom blogger of the year people are NOT knocking on my door right now;) But I have been having a really fun time with my kids and keeping super busy with church, projects, play dates, bootcamp etc. And I really do promise to get caught up soon. I'm just so behind that it seems insurmountable so I keep putting it off. But now that I'm looking at it, get ready folks. . .in the next 10 days I'm going to get caught up! Both of my kids are doing so much and I know I need to document it all. But if it's any consolation I have been enjoying every moment;)
Until next time!
Until next time!
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