5 years ago
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
A Few Random Shots
As if I don't have enough shots of my sweet babies on here. . .here are more. For my sake really, as I look back on this 40 years from now. Despite the craziness of the last month of sickness and sleeping problems I am acutely aware of how quickly this precious time is passing. I try to appreciate every day regardless of the situation. My family brings me so much joy on a constant basis and I just can't believe how much I love them!

Jumping Jack
Right before Jackson's birthday we were at the mall and he saw a bungee jumping station (or whatever you call it) in the center of the mall. He immediately started begging to do it. I assumed he was much too young but said I would ask anyway just to pacify him. Turns out he was old enough. My next concern was that it might be scary for him and I wasn't sure he would go through with it. Boy was I wrong. He LOVED every second of his 5 minutes of jumping!
Right before they called his name to go up he ran over to give Bear a kiss and told him to watch. He is so sweet to his little brother. I just love seeing them interact.
He looks a little irritated here. Perhaps is was me constantly snapping pictures and saying, "smile Jack! Jack look here!"

He loved going really high!

Almost every day he begs us to take him back to jump, I guess soon we'll have to go!
Right before they called his name to go up he ran over to give Bear a kiss and told him to watch. He is so sweet to his little brother. I just love seeing them interact.
Bear at 6 Months!
Here are just a few shots of Bear from last month.
Little man.

Little man.
Jackson's 3rd Birthday
The night before Jackson's birthday we were making plans and talking about what he wanted to do the next day. All he wanted was to make banana waffles from scratch and to have Ellie spend the night. He told me about the Ellie part as I was putting him to bed so it was too late but I did arrange for her to come have breakfast with us and play the next day.
Here they are cracking up and eating breakfast together.

Ellie is so stinkin' cute and this tutu is just precious on her. She makes me want a little girl!

After breakfast we made a birthday cake together. Ellie and Jackson did most of the work and it was so fun to watch them. I changed Ellie into an old outfit of Mia's so we didn't ruin her princess skirt.

Lots of concentration!

They really did a great job and didn't make too much of a mess.

Ellie and Jack, BFF's:) The hysterical part of this picture is when Jackson put his arm around Ellie he said, "mom, I'm gonna marry this girl!" Jackson has been obsessed with weddings lately and has wanted to watch ours on DVD constantly. Right now his eyes are set on Ellie. . .she's not so sure!

I love this picture b/c it totally illustrates how amazed Baron is by Jackson. He adores his older brother so much and just loves to look at and watch him. So sweet.

My boys.

Jack wearing his super awesome police man costume from Ellie.

Little Charlie loving watching the big kids play.

Jack and Ellie doing their favorite thing ever, jumping off of the coffee table onto the sofa cushions. Jack's wearing his other super cool costume from Ellie.

The sweet babies of the group.

All 4 kiddos. . .hard to imagine that just a little over 3 years ago the 4 parents were all in Greece and none of these kids had been born yet!

Jackson's favorite activity these days is dress up!

Later that night Gaga, Grandmommy and Bill came over to give Jackson his birthday presents.
He got a really cool fireman costume and a ton of fireman accessories.

This shot reminds me of B.J. Must be the dimples.
Here they are cracking up and eating breakfast together.
Ellie is so stinkin' cute and this tutu is just precious on her. She makes me want a little girl!
After breakfast we made a birthday cake together. Ellie and Jackson did most of the work and it was so fun to watch them. I changed Ellie into an old outfit of Mia's so we didn't ruin her princess skirt.
Lots of concentration!
They really did a great job and didn't make too much of a mess.
Ellie and Jack, BFF's:) The hysterical part of this picture is when Jackson put his arm around Ellie he said, "mom, I'm gonna marry this girl!" Jackson has been obsessed with weddings lately and has wanted to watch ours on DVD constantly. Right now his eyes are set on Ellie. . .she's not so sure!
I love this picture b/c it totally illustrates how amazed Baron is by Jackson. He adores his older brother so much and just loves to look at and watch him. So sweet.
My boys.
Jack wearing his super awesome police man costume from Ellie.
Little Charlie loving watching the big kids play.
Jack and Ellie doing their favorite thing ever, jumping off of the coffee table onto the sofa cushions. Jack's wearing his other super cool costume from Ellie.
The sweet babies of the group.
All 4 kiddos. . .hard to imagine that just a little over 3 years ago the 4 parents were all in Greece and none of these kids had been born yet!
Jackson's favorite activity these days is dress up!
Later that night Gaga, Grandmommy and Bill came over to give Jackson his birthday presents.
This shot reminds me of B.J. Must be the dimples.
Obviously it's been quite some time since I have blogged. The fact that I just had to reset my password because I didn't remember it is pretty conclusive evidence of that. Things have been a little crazy here lately. Poor Jackson (and you should feel equally badly for his poor parents) has not slept in his room since before the last post. We have tried a number of things to soothe his fears and stop his nightmares and nothing seems to work. However, I do need to issue a huge thanks to those of you who have helped with this process, we appreciate it all! Adrienne bought a special spray bottle and decorated it as a "witch be gone" spray and Nanny and Paw Paw have called and prayed with Jackson before bed. Anytime we have forced Jackson to be in his room alone the poor little guy just sits on his bed and frantically sprays that bottle all over the place. I even got so desperate as to buy a vial of dirt (in my defense it was sold as miracle "herbs" which had cured many children of the same problem) to put on Jackson's head before he goes to sleep. Jay promptly returned the vial of herbs/dirt the following day insisting that I had bought some type of voodoo witchcraft or something. Did I mention they were pretty proud of that tiny vial. . .proud to the tune of $80. I was desperate. In my own defense I must say that the vial was recommended by our pediatrician, I didn't buy it off of the back of a snake oil truck. Jay and I have had about 17 minutes without Jax in the room in as long as I can remember. Jackson only takes naps with me in the room with him so I haven't had 5 minutes to blog, clean, etc. etc. Anyway, he's at school right now and I just needed to chillax (you know, chill out and relax at the same time) for a bit.
Did I mention that last week Jackson was as sick as he's ever been? He had tonsillitis, strep throat (having the utter lack of medical knowledge that I do I have no idea if that is two different infections or the same thing?), a double ear infection, fever of 104 and a cough. We took him to the doctor 3 times in 4 days and he ended up having two, yes TWO rounds of antibiotics. I was really bummed about that last part but my poor little guy could barely breath. His tonsils were touching they were so swollen and he was drooling b/c he couldn't swallow. Little man was down for the count. He lost 5 1/2 pounds and missed a week of school. He was waking up screaming all through out the night (about every 45 minutes) and actually having hallucinations. Terrible. All he would eat were these popsicles that Adrienne brought him (a huge thanks for those and the yummy soup!) I know his immune system was just completely shot from the utter lack of sleep he has suffered lately. Anyway, so it's been a little wild at our house lately. If any of you have any great suggestions for our sleeping troubles we are open to them!
Ok, now to catch up on the last month of Adams happenings!
Did I mention that last week Jackson was as sick as he's ever been? He had tonsillitis, strep throat (having the utter lack of medical knowledge that I do I have no idea if that is two different infections or the same thing?), a double ear infection, fever of 104 and a cough. We took him to the doctor 3 times in 4 days and he ended up having two, yes TWO rounds of antibiotics. I was really bummed about that last part but my poor little guy could barely breath. His tonsils were touching they were so swollen and he was drooling b/c he couldn't swallow. Little man was down for the count. He lost 5 1/2 pounds and missed a week of school. He was waking up screaming all through out the night (about every 45 minutes) and actually having hallucinations. Terrible. All he would eat were these popsicles that Adrienne brought him (a huge thanks for those and the yummy soup!) I know his immune system was just completely shot from the utter lack of sleep he has suffered lately. Anyway, so it's been a little wild at our house lately. If any of you have any great suggestions for our sleeping troubles we are open to them!
Ok, now to catch up on the last month of Adams happenings!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
I've taken a break from blogging these last few days because well, I'm too exhausted. Not that I'm complaining, but let me explain. . .because you know there is a distinct difference:) Anyway, Jackson has been terrified of sleeping in his own room for what seems like a year but is actually only a few weeks. These last few weeks have been comprised of the most insane bedtime routines ever. The worst night started at 6:30 p.m. and didn't end until 4:30 a.m. And then after he's finally asleep he'll wake up several times screaming. It's great fun. And as if this routine of insanity isn't enthralling enough Bear got his first cold several days ago. It is just a stuffy nose so not a huge deal other than the fact that it causes him to wake up crying about every 45-90 minutes. So, I'm back to sleeping about as much as I did when he was first born. I have learned that God did not create me to function well while waking up 6 times in a seven hour sleep period. This situation has created a seriously low functioning human.
On the upside we are very blessed and I look forward to blogging about all of that very soon. We have two healthy beautiful children and Jay loves his job. Jackson had a fabulous 3rd birthday and my dad had a successful knee replacement. I will mention all of that in further detail when I am more capable of completeing a sentence. Until then, know that I am dreaming, quite possibly of a good night's sleep!
On the upside we are very blessed and I look forward to blogging about all of that very soon. We have two healthy beautiful children and Jay loves his job. Jackson had a fabulous 3rd birthday and my dad had a successful knee replacement. I will mention all of that in further detail when I am more capable of completeing a sentence. Until then, know that I am dreaming, quite possibly of a good night's sleep!
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