Jackson loves to snuggle in any time Jay or I hold Baron.

Jackson loves Emma and this particular day she came by for a surprise visit to take him to the park and to feed the ducks!

Little guy sleeps a lot these days. . .and I'm not complaining!

Danielle, Rachel (7) and Reagan (5) came for a few days and we had such a fun time!

They brought Jackson a pinata and after smashing it the girls were walking around wearing it on their heads declaring that it was the queen's hat. Then they put it on Jackson who became the king. They had such a fun time together.

Such sweet girls I just wish they lived closer. And yes, Jackson at 2 is bigger and does weigh more than Reagan at 5.

Danielle and Baron. Having Danielle and her kids here was so special. After living with Danielle for 3 years at Baylor she's just like a sister to me.

Reagan loves to dress up!

We had a "movie theatre" party in the living room with popcorn and a movie.

Little Bear wearing one of Lennon's cute outfits.

The ladies about to spend the afternoon at the American Girl store at the galleria.

Jackson had to jump in with his friends.

Jackson and Reagan rode around on the 4 wheeler quite a bit. It was so funny b/c whoever was in front would yell to the other, "hop on friend!"

Baron is always excited to see Gaga.

I love that little laugh.

Thanks Danielle for the awesome visit, ya'll are the best!