This insane amount of pictures goes with the super long post from last week. I know this is a ton but it was a big week for us:) Also some of these pictures are out of order, but you get the idea.
Jay and I after 28 hours of labor. Almost ready to see Baron. The hospital gives the dads these scrub shirts to wear during the pushing phase and they put the baby's footprints on as soon as the baby is born.

Little Bear's first picture.

My precious boy.

Crying for the first time.

I love this shot of Jay. He was SO happy and they had just stamped Bear's feet on the shirt.

Holding my baby for the first time. I only got about 5 minutes with him before they rushed him to the nursery due to his lung and breathing problem.

Right after Baron was born Jay said, "that was so amazing, wow. We are definitely having a third baby!" I then let Jay know that women don't make that decision 2 minutes after giving birth.

Myself, Delilah (our doula) and Jay after Baron was born. We were all so thrilled to have had an incident free delivery.

Baron in the NICU under the oxygen tent.

Nana got her camera under the tent for a shot of Bear on Saturday morning.

We weren't allowed to touch Baron at all for the first day. We could only look at him in the NICU.

Baron in the NICU. He was being fed by the IV in his left arm. It was so sad to see him with all of those wires etc.

This is the first time I was able to hold Baron since the delivery. I was so over joyed. I immediately started crying when the doctor said I could hold him. It was so wonderful to touch and love on my precious guy.

Papa had a cold and wore a mask in the NICU.

Nana loving Baron.

Nana and Bear.

Every three hours in the NICU was "touch time." During this time I was able to change Baron's diaper, take his temperature and feed him.

Grandmommy and Gaga holding Baron for the first time.

Gaga loving on Bear.

Still so happy to be able to hold my baby.

Baron's space in the NICU. It was so hard having Bear in the NICU yet talking to the other parents whose children had such severe problems made me realize how lucky and blessed we were to have such a healthy baby. Thank you Jesus for my healthy family!

This was my celebration dinner at the hospital. Aunt Clare was nice enough to take Jay's dinner to him on Valentine's day. I had mine in the hospital. I was still so thrilled b/c that was the first day I'd been able to feed Baron so I didn't mind eating alone.

Bear met uncle Jer on Sunday.

Bearon wearing his BU hat that Grant and Courtney gave to Jackson. Jax's head was too big for the hat but we were able to stretch it to fit Baron.

This was one of Jay's favorite things. This little heart went over Bear's "boy parts" during his x rays. I hated having him x rayed so much at such a young age but with a collapsed lung I didn't have any choice.

Baron meeting Nanny on Monday.

Nanny and Paw Paw loving on Baron.

Nanny and Paw Paw were SO helpful taking care of Jay and Jackson when they were sick. Thank you both so much for everything!

Jay's first time ever to hold Baron. He wasn't able to hold him until Monday because Jackson was so sick on Sunday and we were afraid Jay might pass it on.

Feeding our sweet little man.

Jackson and Mommy. Jackson cried wanting me to come home with him. It was pretty tough.

Jenna brought me chocolate covered strawberries. My favorite!!!

Aunt Sissy's first time holding Baron.
border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5440562326962352770" />This was around 11 p.m. on Sunday night. Jenna had just gotten into Texas from flying all day to surprise me. She stayed with me at the hospital and went with me to nurse each time.

Baby love.

Monday morning Jackson came up to visit me (he had thrown up ALL day Sunday)and opened his card from Mia. She included one dollar with a note saying "please accept this dollar as a gift to buy something from the dollar store. Congratulations Jackey, love Mia."

Sissy took Jackson to Chuck E Cheese for an afternoon of fun with her other niece and nephew Reagan and Peyton.

Having fun with Reagan.

So much fun!

Tuesday night, seeing his baby brother for the first time.

Checking out Baron (who is being held by one of the NICU nurses).

This is where he reached over and touched Baron and said, "I like his tiny toes."

Jackson was a little scared to touch him after so many days of hearing he was sick.

Little Chef Jack helping Sissy make breakfast Wednesday morning.

Helping make breakfast with Aunt Sissy.

Jenna was sweet enough to take Jackson to my MOMS Connection play date at the fire station.

Ellie, Charlie and Jackson at the fire station.

Our MOMS Connection group at the fire station.

Sissy and the boys.

Baron's first time in our house!

Nana and Papa with Baron.

First time holding his little brother.

Jackson loving on his brother.

Our family of four.

Baron and Sissy.

Happy Baron with his great grandmother.

I love the big yawns.

Our 10 pound baby sure looks small next to Big Jack.

Brother snuggles

My favorite tiny peanut.

I love this shot of sissy and Jax. Can you see why he loves her so much? Such a fun aunt!

Playing with Daddy.


Little Bear Bear.

The most delicious dinner ever. Jenna made this awesome salmon, dill, homemade alfredo sauce with penne pasta dish. I'm still dreaming about it!

Jeremy and Jay being their usual goofy selves.

Freckles meeting baby Bear.

Sissy getting some newborn cuddles.

Not the most flattering of pictures but this is the only one I got with Sissy. Thanks Jenna for being the best sister in the world. I love you!

I am so in love with my two boys!

Loving the "dreaded chair of slumber"

Jackson insists on wearing this coat that he says used to be Mia's.

He looks so tiny in that big car seat.

Kristin and Bear.

Little Bear in his tux onesie from Gaga.

What an amazing week!