Well, I had planned on updating the blog each day in Cape Cod. . .but we were just too busy and had too much fun. It was a wonderful time of playing on the beach and the kids absolutely loved it (Jackson actually ate quite a bit of sand). Thanks for a great vacation Dad and Laura! Here are some fun pictures. . .actually there are a ton of pictures below but these are my favorites out of all 4,000 from the week so I did a good job of narrowing them down!

This is the picture Lennon and Jackson will hate when they are in highschool. But really, how adorable are they?!

Sweet cousins playing on the beach. . .and as you can see they are all wearing their spf 50 hats!

Beautiful Mia preparing for her amazing "trick"

And the amazing trick!

I just know these two will be a very dangerous combination in a few years!

Papa & Nana with all of the grandkids.

It sure is hard trying to get babies to smile on cue!

Jackson's favorite pose!

Jackson lived in his sling on this trip, he's just too heavy to carry!

Passed out on his "snuggle pillow" after a long day of playing with cousins.

Lennon as a pirate at Imagination Island.

Jackson looking equally scary as a pirate!

Jackson enjoying the bounce house with his cousins.

Nana and the babies.

Jackson hysterical laughing at Mia's antics.

They are so darn photogenic!!!

Mia and Noah resting after a long day of fun!

Our home away from home. . .thanks Dad & Laura!

Hmmm, they are precious but I'm still glad I only have to take care of one for now!

Dad preparing one of the enourmous lobsters we had for dinner. . .my favorite dinner ever!