Well, we gave Jackson his first taste of food on Saturday. . .pureed green beans! He has been drooling over everything Jay and I have eaten for weeks so we thought he would be more excited to have real food. However, he was very skeptical of the spoon coming his way. He did enthusiastically open his mouth and take a huge first bite. Yet once he actually tasted it he just gagged and shivered. The look on his face was priceless! So, it wasn't love at first site with the veggies but we're going to try more this week. I hear that Lennon loves bananas so we may try some fruit next week. By the way, that cute high chair was mine as a baby. Charlotte (my mother-in-law) refinished it and it looks even better than it did when I sat in it!
Paw Paw and Nan surprised us with a visit last weekend. It was so wonderful to see them and Jackson was in heaven with all of the extra love he received from his grandparents!
Anyone who has ever held Jackson knows he likes to bounce. Actually he jumps like he's training for the olympics on a regular basis. So, it was perfect that Dacia gave us a jumper last week. We tried it out today and he just LOVED it, thanks Dacia!!!
Well, despite the Cowboys not making it to the super bowl Jackson is still a huge fan and we still wanted a picture of him wearing BJ's outfit while it would still fit. Pretty cute huh?!
Well, at exactly 5 months old Jackson is no longer wanting to be swaddled at night. He's getting so big that we've given some of his baby stuff to Ellie. The swaddle me's are packed away and his swing is gone. As you can see below the swing was getting too small (it actually creaked when he was in it). He's still our sweet little baby but wearing all 9 month clothes. I've also included some pictures of when he loved the swing and was lulled to sleep by it on a regular basis. Jay had nicknamed it the "dreaded chair of slumber" because any time Jackson was fussy we'd put him in the swing and he would immediately be asleep. He's such a great baby and I just love him more and more each day!
Not only was yesterday my mothers birthday but especially exciting is the fact that Ellis (who will go by Ellie) Annabella Hirst was born yesterday morning at 4:45 a.m. Adrienne was a champ and had one of the best birth experiences I've ever heard about. Ellie is 7 pounds 13 ounces, 21 3/4 inches long and is just precious! She is such a sweet and happy little girl and her parents couldn't be more excited. I of course am already in love with her and can't stay away from the hospital. I know Jackson is smitten but he's playing it cool and acting like he doesn't notice her much:) Here are some of her first pictures:
Yesterday we went over to Dacia's house so that she could show me some really cute picture frames she's been making. Owen (who turned 2 in October) and Jackson also got to play. Actually Owen got to play and Jackson got to be in awe of such an awesome older kiddo! They were really cute together. Owen was pushing Jackson around in the walker showing him their dog Jack who was outside. Jackson was hysterical laughing over Jack. Maybe someday we'll have to try the dog thing again:)
Jackson is just getting more and more fun these days! He's now reaching out his arms for us to pick him up and has the greatest belly laugh I've ever heard. He loves everyone and is such a happy guy. And lately he's also been very attached to his daddy:) Jay's been spending a few minutes with him in the mornings before work and Jackson just loves it. He is already asleep when Jay comes home so their new morning time is really special.
I took Jackson to the gym today and left him in the child care area (it was my first time leaving him with any non relative). I kept waiting to be paged to come get him but it never happened. The ladies said he was just flirting, laughing and cooing the entire time. It was funny when I came back; there was an 18 month old little girl "talking" to Jackson who was about two thirds his size. He's still our big healthy baby! Here are some fun shots: