Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ellie and Emma

Last Wednesday was our last day to keep Emma. Jackson was so sad that she was starting school and we wouldn't have our weekly playdates anymore. But on the bright side this week we also got to keep Ellie in the morning. The kids had a great time and I was amazed that adding two girls to the mix didn't make my job any harder:)

I am terrible at posting videos but I took a video of these two and Jackson actually looked at Ellie and said, "mommy, I am going to marry her!" Ellie is definitely Jackson's BFF:) The other crazy thing is that she's only 1/2 inch shorter than Jax. These are going to be two tall kiddos!
The three kids had a bucket of water and mopped my floors. I hope they still have this much enthusiasm when it's time for chores!
Jack and Emma watching tv together.
They have gotten to be such good buddies being together every wednesday this summer!
The kids playing a game on Jaclyn's iphone. I don't know what they were doing but they were completely hysterical.

Paw Paw and Nanny's Visit

Nanny and Paw Paw came to stay with us for a few days last week. As always we really enjoyed our time and all of their help around the house. Also I should note that Jackson mentioned the other day how Paw Paw had the "biggest and coolest tractor ever!" He even begged to go live with them in Beach City when they left. He at least said we could visit him there. Our days were super busy and so I wasn't able to get many pictures but here are a few.

Nanny always reads to Jackson which he LOVES. He was very excited to be able to read "Brown Bear Brown Bear" to her. He of course doesn't know how to read but has several books memorized.
Jackson and Nanny played with tape. I can't believe she let him tape up her face much like his below. What a fun grandmother!

Bear loved hanging out with his grandparents.

Thanks so much for the visit and we can't wait to see you guys again soon!

Another after work daddy attack!

I wish Jay's eyes were open in this shot but I just love how happy the boys are to have daddy home:)

Bear is cheering for the Cowboys!

I'm trying to get pictures of Baron in lots of the same outfits that I got Jackson in and BJ's Dallas Cowboy outfit is one I didn't want to miss!

Bear with Jackson's puppy.

This outfit barely covered his tummy.
While I was taking the pictures Jackson kept performing special jumps off of the window sill or the sofa. He was really wanting me to take pictures of him so I just had to snap a few:)
My favorite 6 month old.
"Mommy, don't miss my backwards spin jump!"
Baron loved watching Jax perform.
We have started calling Baron Kramer due to his wild hair.

I love this shot of my two precious boys.
In this shot you can see that Jackson is the one making Bear smile.
And here's Jackson at 5 months in the same outfit.
I can't believe this little guy is already 3!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bear at 6 months and Jack at 3 years. . .

Today we took Bear for his 6 month check up and he's really not nearly as big as I had thought. Although, looking back, Jackson wasn't as big (compared to Baron) as I had thought either. Today Bear weighed 21 pounds 4 ounces and was 29 3/4 inches long with a head circumference of 18 1/2. All three numbers fall into the above 97% category. I had thought Baron was much smaller than Jackson until looking back at the blog, which I love being able to do, and saw that Jackson at 6 months weighed 22 pounds 4 ounces and was 29 and 3/4 inches long. So, they are the exact same length and only 1 pound off in weight.
Jackson's 3 year check up isn't until November 1st so I asked the nurse today to measure and weigh Jack. Jackson is 40 inches and 42.5 pounds (at his two year check he was 35 pounds and 36 inches). This blog is an awesome resource because I am realizing my memory, when it comes to the kids stats, leaves much to be desired! Just yesterday I mentioned to Adrienne that I didn't think Jackson had gained any weight in the last year, not exactly accurate. And since this wasn't his official 3 year visit I'm not sure where that puts him on the chart but I'd guess he's off of it. Jackson now wears a size 10 shoe and a 4T in any two piece item and a 5 in any one piece.
This is my last night with Jackson as a two year old. . .I can't believe it. Unfortunately I'm so tired from Bear waking up in the middle of the night that I'm going to blog about Jackie turning 3 tomorrow. Hey, at least I got the stats in before I lost the paper:)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Saturday's with Papa

Lately Jay and Jackson have been spending their Saturday mornings with Papa. Not only does Jackson LOVE to be with Papa but this also allows me to sleep a little during Baron's morning nap. So, it's a definite win/win!
Anyway, since I'm never there we never have any pictures but Jackson looks very forward to seeing his Papa each week.
The other morning they met at the "man store," otherwise known as home depot for the kids project. They built a school bus shaped pencil holder and you can see from the pictures below that Jackson is very proud of his! Thanks so much to Jay for letting me rest and to Papa for spending such great time with my guys!

Bear at 6 months

As one of my friends noticed yesterday Bear is looking less and less like an infant each day. The last 6 months have gone by so fast and I'm having such a great time being Bear's mommy. He's such a happy and easy baby and I'm getting so spoiled. He still wakes up at night but other than that he's a breeze. He laughs all of the time and smiles at everyone. He's easy to please and loves to cuddle. He will sit for almost an hour and just watch Jackson. He loves both his jumper and his exersaucer. I've been having meetings all summer to plan the upcoming year of the MOMS Connection group at our church and Baron has gone with me to each of the meetings. They all last 3-4 hours (and that means skipping his nap) and he's always so good. I'm just so excited to see what kind of a kid Baron will become:)
Here he is sitting up by himself last week

My little Baylor Bear

A few weeks ago on my drive down to San Antonio I just had to stop at the BU bookstore to buy a few items for my little guys. Here's Bear wearing his green and gold.

We've started calling Bear "Kramer" lately due to the crazy hair:)
And now for my favorite picture. . .here's Bear doing "awwww, sic 'em bears!!!"
PS-how many shots do you think it took to get this? Quite a few I can tell you that much!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Jay is loving his job and we are doing a great job of adjusting to him being gone. But as soon as he comes through the door at night Jackson runs straight to him screaming, "Daddy! I missed you!" Then Jackson follows Jay back to change out of his work clothes and Jackson doesn't leave his side for the rest of the evening. Baron even cries until Jay picks him up sometimes. Here's a shot of my 3 guys after Jay got home from work the other day. Note: the kids had both just had baths. . .they are not always in their underwear. . .

Ladies' Weekend 2010

A few weeks ago I went once again to San Antonio for a weekend of relaxing with my girlfriends. This was our third annual ladies' weekend and it was just so nice to get to lay around by the pool and chat all day! Jay went to his parents house with Damian for some guy time and Jackson spent the weekend with his Gaga (THANKS MOM!!) Mandy was such a fantastic host and the 9 of us ladies, plus our little man Bear, had a blast. I didn't take that many pictures but here are a few and as you could guess, they are mostly of Bear:)

Mandy's fabulous outdoor living area and kitchen.

Bear relaxing and enjoying himself.
Several of the girls commented that they didn't even notice Bear because he's such a perfect little baby. He didn't cry once the entire weekend. Basically he hung out in the exersaucer (thanks for loaning it to us Nana and Papa) and took 3 naps a day.
And he laughed, a lot!
Amber, Sara and Danielle at the plant tour.
Bear playing in the shade while all of the girls lounged in the pool.
He's teething like crazy. I can't wait to see his cute little teeth.
Bear playing with his godmother.
Jamie's annual floatie picture:)
Mandy, Danielle and I. Note to self: do not take pictures directly after applying sun screen while standing next to friends who do not wear sun screen. Way too shiny!
Had to throw in another Bear shot.
Group shot.
Mandy, Jamie and Mandy's dog Mattie. Ashley also brought her dog, also named Mattie:)
I took this picture of Sara because I thought it was funny that you could see Donut (the goose) and also milkshake (the cow). Animal kingdom!
A group shot taken by me (we couldn't figure out the timer on my camera). Lesley, Amber, Jamie, Danielle, Mandy, Sara, Kristin and Ashley. What a great weekend with great friends. Adrienne was the only one from last year who couldn't make it and we definitely missed you! Thanks again to everyone for coming and to Mandy for hosting all of us!
And yes, we did have shirts made again, I'll post pictures when I take them.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Jack loves everything about shaving. He gets really excited to watch Jay shave in the morning before work. He loves to shave with the cool shaving kit that Mia and Lennon gave him last Christmas. Here are a few shots of the little guy practicing his current obsession. . .

He does the same face he watches Jay do when he gets his upper lip.

Can you guess what his favorite thing about shaving is?

If you said the cream. . .you're right!