Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Ok, I am VERY behind on blogging. . .I still have to post about mom and Ellie's birthday parties, Mandy coming up for our extreme home make over weekend, Jay and Jackson's weekend with Nanny and Paw Paw, etc etc etc. But I'm going to ignore all of that for a moment to wish my most wonderful husband a very happy 5 year anniversary! 5 years ago today was the most wonderful day of my life and I am so blessed to have such a fantastic husband with whom I have created such a wonderful life, home and family:) So, thanks Jay for just being you!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Baron Update

Some of you may remember that two weeks before my wedding I decided to change dresses. . .well, that was the old me. Now, I give big decisions much more thought. So, three and a half weeks before Baron's due date I have changed not only my hospital but also my Dr. My new Dr. comes highly recommended by both my neighbor and my doula and I'm very happy with him. After seeing him for the first time last week he has basically said all that the former nurse told me was wrong. Baron has not dropped and is in no way engaged. But other than that he looks fantastic and we are very excited to meet him in a few weeks:)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Baby Baron's Diaper Sprinkle!

Here's another sentimental post! Other than my amazing family one of the greatest blessings in my life is having truly wonderful friends. My friends have helped me through so much of my life and I would be lost without them. Anyway, my fabulous friends threw me a wonderful baby "sprinkle" for Baron. Here are some pictures and ladies thank you all so much for all that have done to make this time so special!
Baron's Sprinkle: Sunday, January 17th 1p.m. at Lesley's house.

Some of my wonderful girlfriends.

Lots of yummy snacks and drinks.

Jamie and Kristin.

Leanne, Mandy and Lesley

The DELICIOUS cake! The leftovers are seriously causing problems in my house! Too much of a good thing:)

Mandy and Adrienne.

Lesley, Jamie, Kristin, Adrienne and Mandy.

I just have to include this picture because this is the present that Ashley brought for Jackson. He LOVES this big puppy. He has named her Molly and he has to be with her constantly. He sleeps with her, naps with her, watches tv laying on top of her. It's awesome. Thanks so much Ashley!

My most wonderful grandmother. She's the greatest!

Bonnie, myself and Ashley.

Courtney and I.

Christina and I.

The fabulous hostesses. 5 years ago when Jay and I got married and I told people that I had 7 bridesmaids (+2 scripture readers) a lot of people said there would be several that I didn't even talk to 5 years later. Well, I'm happy to say that I talk to ALL 9 (Danielle, Carolyn and Jenna all live out of town. . .boo) of those ladies regularly and they are all still my closest and dearest friends. And it is, in fact, 5 years later:)

Susan and Mom. Our family has been friends with the Owens family forever. Seriously, my mom and Mike have been friends since kindergarten and Dacia was at the hospital when I was born. Very special people.

Susan, myself and Dacia.

My favorite Aunt Clare, myself and my wonderful mom.

Dacia and I. I have a picture of us from her 4th birthday party at Sesame Place with the same expressions. I need to upload that because it's one of my favorites:)

I missed and was thinking of those of you who couldn't make it:)

Thanks to all of my wonderful friends, you all mean the world to me!


While snuggling with Jackson today (after he had been particularly fussy) he looked up at me with his hands on my cheeks and said, "mommy, you take good good care of me!"

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Baron Update. . .

Last Saturday we went to the hospital for a few hours to check on little baby Bear and he's doing great. I however am not allowed to hold or rough house with Jackson anymore until Bear arrives which is no fun.
Anyway, the nurse said Baron was big. No surprise there. She wasn't certain (and I don't put a lot of stock in what they think before the baby is born)but guessed sevenish pounds. So, with 4 weeks to go that only puts him at about 9 which is significantly smaller than Jackson! Also Baron is in the correct position and his head is "engaged." All really good signs for my (fingers crossed) VBAC. The other funny thing is that I have totally thought that Baron was really laid back because he didn't move as much as Jackson. Well, my biophysical (in depth sonogram to see how the little guy is doing) took more than twice as long as it should have due to the fact that he would not stop moving. So, either this guy is a wild man like Jack or the lady just didn't know what she was doing (both probably equally possible). Regardless I am so excited and loved getting to watch Baron wiggle around during my biophysical. And even better is the fact that we are working on the nursery this weekend. So we will be ready for little baby Bear whenever he arrives:)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Funny Conversations

I'm just going to admit that I'm paranoid that when Baron comes along I'll be too distracted to remember or write down the funny things Jackson says. I know, it's weird, like my unfounded paranoia that Jackson would have no clothes during my first pregnancy. Anyway, in order to combat that fear I am way overblogging(if that's not a word it should be and therefore I now deem it one) these days. I am aware of it so just feel free to skip our painstakingly detailed blog for the next month because I know I won't be doing this much when I've got two. But for now, I'm logging these memories forever. Hopefully, I'll actually take the time to read them again in the future:)

Me: Jackson do you want to be potty trained?
Jackson: I don't know mommy. Where does that train go?

Me: Jackson you look like a three eyed alien right now! (I am too lazy to explain the context and really. . .it doesn't matter)
Jackson: An alien from mars?
Me: Yeah, that's right. How did you know that aliens come from mars?
Jackson: Mommy goofy goes to mars to see aliens. You need watch mickey mouse clubhouse more!

Jackson: (looking through a catalog) mommy, this car is red?
Me: Yes
Jackson: Mommy, I need this car.
Me: You have to be 16 to drive Jax. You're only 2.
Jackson: Actually (and for some reason I just love it when he uses that word), I am 16 mom. Adrienne say happy birthday to me today. I 16 now.
Me: Ok, Jackson. Where are you going in your red car?
Jackson: Well, I taking Ellie and Emma to meet Santa's mother.

After picking up Jackson from church Sunday, Carrie (one of his teachers) commented on how much Jackson talks and how much he says (a pretty common comment from anyone who spends time with him). She also mentioned that a little girl had gotten hurt and Jackson immediately ran to her and put one hand on her back and held her hand with his other hand. He just kept saying, "it's ok, I've got you. I've got you friend." According to Carrie it was really sweet despite the fact that the little girl was freaked out by Jackson's aggression in helping her:)

A few days ago we were watching Cinderella and talking about the fairy godmother. I then was explaining to Jackson that Adrienne and Carolyn were his godmothers. With wide eyes and a serious look of amazement he said, "Oh my gosh, Adrienne is God's MOTHER?!?!"

Today as Jay and Jackson were leaving for Baytown Jackson gave me several hugs and kisses and said, "mommy, I'm going very far far away for a long time. But I will come right back to you in a few days. And I will call you when it's night night time."

When we put him to bed lately after singing, praying, etc. he always says, "ok mommy and daddy see you when it's light outside (he's not allowed to wake us up unless it's light). Yous two guys can do whatever you want now."

Yesterday we were asking Jackson what he thought about different middle names for Baron. We asked him about Baron Isaiah and told him we were considering it. He immediately said, "no, we NOT thinking about Bearnon Isaiah. My name now Jackson Isaiah and Bearnon can be Bearnon Christian Anams. Isaiah my name, not for him."

And I don't know if I have written about this yet but Jackson has been moving some of his favorite items around so that his brother won't touch them or mess them up when he comes. And really, can you blame him, Jackson is so careful and gentle with things why wouldn't he be worried about an immobile infant:)

Yesterday after our church MOMS Connection meeting Jackson told me that Ellie was coming to over to play.
Me: Really, I didn't know that, when is she coming?
Jackson: Six o' clock mommy.
Me: Jackson, Ellie can't come over today but she will come over soon. Do you miss her?
Jackson: I really miss her and she is coming for a long long time. Adrienne has tummy ache and is going to dr. We are watching Ellie for a long long time! Adrienne cried, she have bad bad bad tummy ache. Dr. will make her feel better.

Ok, enough for now. . .I'm sure I'll think of a few more to add later!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Oh Toodles and other Jax Quotes

Jackson: "Mommy, want your whole kitchen cleaned? I vacuum whole kitchen just for you. You relax on sofa"

When taking him to church on Sunday he started to get upset about me leaving him. Then a little girl was dropped off who was hysterical as her mommy left. Jackson immediately pulled it together and said, "you can go now. I need be sure that girl ok." Then he went over to her and put his hand on her back and said, "it's ok, you mommy come right back after church!"

When his playroom was threatened by a bug (or bun as he still calls them) he asked for a paper towel to get the bug. He then came back to tell me that he took care of it and was protecting me. "The bun can't hurt you mommy, I protect you from all buns."

Jackson: Bearnon need be in time out.
Me: Well, Baron is still a tiny baby in my tummy so he doesn't get time outs.
Jackson: Yeah mommy, Bearnon kick you in tummy so he in time out.

And just to showcase his stellar grammar today he was looking for me yelling, "mommy, where is you? Where is you HillWaWie?"

When Jackson was climbing (a very common occurrence) the other day and fell, lodging himself upside down between the sofa and the kid recliner he exclaimed, "oh toodles, I need a mouskatool for this!" That's a line from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse his favorite television show.

Me: Jackson we have to get you dressed for church.
Jackson: We running out of time mommy?
Me: Yes, put on your clothes
Jackson: I don't want to go to church. Daddy say, too bad Jackson, we're going to church. It too bad mommy?

Me: Jackson I need a hug
Jackson: (copying a common phrase) You in luck mommy, I have hugs for you!

Jackson: Mommy you put on meat ma (his word for make up) today?
Me: No, not today.
Jackson: Mommy, I don't want meat ma on me. I will not ever get bigger because meat ma hurts!

After getting my hair fixed.
Jackson: Mommy you look so pretty. Your hair very nice mommy. I like you nice hair.

When Jackson put his annual ornament from Nana on the tree he got his stool and put it as high as he could reach. The then turned around to Jay and I to announce, "I put my santa very high so my little brother can't mess it up!"